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Электронный каталог: Aksenov, V. L. - On the Determination of Residual Stresses with the High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer at the ...
Aksenov, V. L. - On the Determination of Residual Stresses with the High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer at the ...
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Aksenov, V. L.
Applied Crystallography: On the Determination of Residual Stresses with the High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer at the ...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Aksenov, V. L.
Applied Crystallography: On the Determination of Residual Stresses with the High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer at the ...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Aksenov, V.L.
On the Determination of Residual Stresses with the High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer at the IBR-2 Reactor / V.L.Aksenov, A.M.Balagurov, V.G.Simkin, Yu.V.Taran, [a.o.] // Applied Crystallography : Proceedings of the XVI Conference, Cieszyn, Poland, Aug. 22-26, 1994 / Ed.: H.Morawiec, D.Stroz. – Singapore [etc.] : World Scientific Publ., 1995. – p.120-124. – Bibliogr.:7.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 342 г1 - Замедление и диффузия нейтронов. Дифракция
Aksenov, V.L.
On the Determination of Residual Stresses with the High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer at the IBR-2 Reactor / V.L.Aksenov, A.M.Balagurov, V.G.Simkin, Yu.V.Taran, [a.o.] // Applied Crystallography : Proceedings of the XVI Conference, Cieszyn, Poland, Aug. 22-26, 1994 / Ed.: H.Morawiec, D.Stroz. – Singapore [etc.] : World Scientific Publ., 1995. – p.120-124. – Bibliogr.:7.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 342 г1 - Замедление и диффузия нейтронов. Дифракция