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Электронный каталог: Klimenko, A. A. - New Limits of Majorana Neutrino Mass from Combined Analysis of *7*6Ge, *1*3*6Xe, *1*3*0Te and *1*...
Klimenko, A. A. - New Limits of Majorana Neutrino Mass from Combined Analysis of *7*6Ge, *1*3*6Xe, *1*3*0Te and *1*...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Klimenko, A. A.
LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Rese...: New Limits of Majorana Neutrino Mass from Combined Analysis of *7*6Ge, *1*3*6Xe, *1*3*0Te and *...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Klimenko, A. A.
LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Rese...: New Limits of Majorana Neutrino Mass from Combined Analysis of *7*6Ge, *1*3*6Xe, *1*3*0Te and *...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Klimenko, A.A.
New Limits of Majorana Neutrino Mass from Combined Analysis of *7*6Ge, *1*3*6Xe, *1*3*0Te and *1*0*0Mo Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Searching for Experiments / A.A.Klimenko, N.S.Rumyantseva // LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 29 -July 3, 2015 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2015" (65; 2015; Saint-Petersburg) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Saint-Petersburg : BBM, 2015. – p.77. – Bibliogr.:8.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1б - Бета-распад и К-захват. Схемы распада и спектры
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1а - Свойства нейтрино
Klimenko, A.A.
New Limits of Majorana Neutrino Mass from Combined Analysis of *7*6Ge, *1*3*6Xe, *1*3*0Te and *1*0*0Mo Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Searching for Experiments / A.A.Klimenko, N.S.Rumyantseva // LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 29 -July 3, 2015 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2015" (65; 2015; Saint-Petersburg) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Saint-Petersburg : BBM, 2015. – p.77. – Bibliogr.:8.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1б - Бета-распад и К-захват. Схемы распада и спектры
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1а - Свойства нейтрино