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Электронный каталог: Chen, Y. - Critical Role of a Buried Interface in the Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Metallic Nanocrystals: Qu...
Chen, Y. - Critical Role of a Buried Interface in the Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Metallic Nanocrystals: Qu...

Автор: Chen, Y.
Physical Review Letters: Critical Role of a Buried Interface in the Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Metallic Nanocrystals: Qu...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Chen, Y.
Physical Review Letters: Critical Role of a Buried Interface in the Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Metallic Nanocrystals: Qu...
ISBN отсутствует
Chen, Y.
Critical Role of a Buried Interface in the Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Metallic Nanocrystals: Quantum Size Effects in Ag/Si(111)-(7 x 7) / Y.Chen, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters. – 2015. – Vol.114, No.3. – p.034501. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.035501. – Bibliogr.:27.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 15 д - Динамическая стохастизация. Теория аттракторов
Chen, Y.
Critical Role of a Buried Interface in the Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Metallic Nanocrystals: Quantum Size Effects in Ag/Si(111)-(7 x 7) / Y.Chen, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters. – 2015. – Vol.114, No.3. – p.034501. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.035501. – Bibliogr.:27.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 15 д - Динамическая стохастизация. Теория аттракторов