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Электронный каталог: Slepnev, R. S. - Development of Neutron Detectors for the Studies on the ACCULINNA and ACCULINNA-2 Setups
Slepnev, R. S. - Development of Neutron Detectors for the Studies on the ACCULINNA and ACCULINNA-2 Setups
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Slepnev, R. S.
LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014: Development of Neutron Detectors for the Studies on the ACCULINNA and ACCULINNA-2 Setups
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Slepnev, R. S.
LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014: Development of Neutron Detectors for the Studies on the ACCULINNA and ACCULINNA-2 Setups
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Slepnev, R.S.
Development of Neutron Detectors for the Studies on the ACCULINNA and ACCULINNA-2 Setups / R.S.Slepnev, A.A.Bezbakh, A.S.Fomichev, M.S.Golovkov, A.V.Gorshkov, V.A.Gorshkov, G.Kaminski, S.A.Krupko, M.Mentel, P.Plucinski, S.I.Sidorchuk, G.M.Ter-Akopian, R.Wolski // LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2014" (64; 2014; Minsk) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Minsk : BSU, 2014. – p.189. – Bibliogr.:6.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1л - Нейтронные детекторы. Спектрометры. Монохроматоры
Slepnev, R.S.
Development of Neutron Detectors for the Studies on the ACCULINNA and ACCULINNA-2 Setups / R.S.Slepnev, A.A.Bezbakh, A.S.Fomichev, M.S.Golovkov, A.V.Gorshkov, V.A.Gorshkov, G.Kaminski, S.A.Krupko, M.Mentel, P.Plucinski, S.I.Sidorchuk, G.M.Ter-Akopian, R.Wolski // LXIV International Conference "Nucleus 2014". Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Power Engineering and Nuclear Technologies, Minsk, Belarus, July 1-4, 2014 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2014" (64; 2014; Minsk) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Minsk : BSU, 2014. – p.189. – Bibliogr.:6.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1л - Нейтронные детекторы. Спектрометры. Монохроматоры