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Электронный каталог: Tran, Duc Thiep - The Isomeric Ratios in *1*0*7Ag(*g,n)&sup(106m,g)Ag Photonuclear Reaction Induced in the Giant Di...
Tran, Duc Thiep - The Isomeric Ratios in *1*0*7Ag(*g,n)&sup(106m,g)Ag Photonuclear Reaction Induced in the Giant Di...

Автор: Tran, Duc Thiep
Nuclear Science and Technology: The Isomeric Ratios in *1*0*7Ag(*g,n)&sup(106m,g)Ag Photonuclear Reaction Induced in the Giant Di...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Tran, Duc Thiep
Nuclear Science and Technology: The Isomeric Ratios in *1*0*7Ag(*g,n)&sup(106m,g)Ag Photonuclear Reaction Induced in the Giant Di...
ISBN отсутствует
Tran, Duc Thiep.
The Isomeric Ratios in *1*0*7Ag(*g,n)&sup(106m,g)Ag Photonuclear Reaction Induced in the Giant Dipole Resonance Region / Duc Thiep Tran, A.G.Belov, O.D.Maslov, [et al.] // Nuclear Science and Technology. – 2013. – Vol.3, No.2. – p.39-46. – Bibliogr.:28.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 б - Взаимодействие гамма-квантов и электронов с ядрами. *g*g-реакции
Tran, Duc Thiep.
The Isomeric Ratios in *1*0*7Ag(*g,n)&sup(106m,g)Ag Photonuclear Reaction Induced in the Giant Dipole Resonance Region / Duc Thiep Tran, A.G.Belov, O.D.Maslov, [et al.] // Nuclear Science and Technology. – 2013. – Vol.3, No.2. – p.39-46. – Bibliogr.:28.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 б - Взаимодействие гамма-квантов и электронов с ядрами. *g*g-реакции