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Электронный каталог: PIXEL 2012
PIXEL 2012
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A: PIXEL 2012 : Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, Inawashiro, Fukushima, Japan, Sept.3-7, 2012
ISBN отсутствует
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A: PIXEL 2012 : Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, Inawashiro, Fukushima, Japan, Sept.3-7, 2012
ISBN отсутствует
PIXEL 2012 : Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, Inawashiro, Fukushima, Japan, Sept.3-7, 2012 // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A : Accelerators,spectrometers,detectors and associated equipment. – 2013. – Vol.731. – URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01689002/731.
Индексный (книги) = С 344.1м - Полупроводниковые детекторы
Географический = Inawashiro, Fukushima, Japan
PIXEL 2012 : Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, Inawashiro, Fukushima, Japan, Sept.3-7, 2012 // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A : Accelerators,spectrometers,detectors and associated equipment. – 2013. – Vol.731. – URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01689002/731.
Индексный (книги) = С 344.1м - Полупроводниковые детекторы
Географический = Inawashiro, Fukushima, Japan