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Электронный каталог: Mikhailov, I. N. - Intrinsic Vortical Motion and the Spectroscopy of Well Deformed Atomic Nuclei
Mikhailov, I. N. - Intrinsic Vortical Motion and the Spectroscopy of Well Deformed Atomic Nuclei
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Mikhailov, I. N.
40 Years of Collaboration between JINR (Dubna) and IN2P3 (France): Intrinsic Vortical Motion and the Spectroscopy of Well Deformed Atomic Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Mikhailov, I. N.
40 Years of Collaboration between JINR (Dubna) and IN2P3 (France): Intrinsic Vortical Motion and the Spectroscopy of Well Deformed Atomic Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Mikhailov, I.N.
Intrinsic Vortical Motion and the Spectroscopy of Well Deformed Atomic Nuclei / I.N.Mikhailov, V.G.Kartavenko, [et al.] // 40 Years of Collaboration between JINR (Dubna) and IN2P3 (France) : Anniversary Meeting, [Dubna], Jan.14-15, 2013. – Dubna : JINR, 2013. – p.84-86. – Bibliogr.:16. – (JINR ; 2013-112) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341 - Атомные ядра
Mikhailov, I.N.
Intrinsic Vortical Motion and the Spectroscopy of Well Deformed Atomic Nuclei / I.N.Mikhailov, V.G.Kartavenko, [et al.] // 40 Years of Collaboration between JINR (Dubna) and IN2P3 (France) : Anniversary Meeting, [Dubna], Jan.14-15, 2013. – Dubna : JINR, 2013. – p.84-86. – Bibliogr.:16. – (JINR ; 2013-112) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341 - Атомные ядра