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Личный кабинет :
Электронный каталог: Smolyansky, S. A. - The Photon Cluster Excitation Mechanism of the e*-e*+ Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong ...
Smolyansky, S. A. - The Photon Cluster Excitation Mechanism of the e*-e*+ Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong ...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Smolyansky, S. A.
Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics: The Photon Cluster Excitation Mechanism of the e*-e*+ Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong ...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Smolyansky, S. A.
Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics: The Photon Cluster Excitation Mechanism of the e*-e*+ Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong ...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Smolyansky, S.A.
The Photon Cluster Excitation Mechanism of the e*-e*+ Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong Electromagnetic Field / S.A.Smolyansky, D.B.Blaschke, [et al.] // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics = Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика : Book of Abstracts of the XXI International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (Baldin ISHEPP XXI), Dubna, Russia, Sept.10-15,2012. – Dubna : JINR, 2012. – p.117. – Bibliogr.:7. – (JINR ; E1,2-2012-97) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.7 - Встречные е+е- и мю+мю- пучки
Smolyansky, S.A.
The Photon Cluster Excitation Mechanism of the e*-e*+ Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong Electromagnetic Field / S.A.Smolyansky, D.B.Blaschke, [et al.] // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics = Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика : Book of Abstracts of the XXI International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (Baldin ISHEPP XXI), Dubna, Russia, Sept.10-15,2012. – Dubna : JINR, 2012. – p.117. – Bibliogr.:7. – (JINR ; E1,2-2012-97) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.7 - Встречные е+е- и мю+мю- пучки