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Электронный каталог: Sivertsson, S. - Accurate Calculations of the WIMP Halo Around the Sun and Prospects for Its Gamma-Ray Detection
Sivertsson, S. - Accurate Calculations of the WIMP Halo Around the Sun and Prospects for Its Gamma-Ray Detection
Автор: Sivertsson, S.
Physical Review D: Accurate Calculations of the WIMP Halo Around the Sun and Prospects for Its Gamma-Ray Detection
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Автор: Sivertsson, S.
Physical Review D: Accurate Calculations of the WIMP Halo Around the Sun and Prospects for Its Gamma-Ray Detection
ISBN отсутствует
Sivertsson, S.
Accurate Calculations of the WIMP Halo Around the Sun and Prospects for Its Gamma-Ray Detection / S.Sivertsson, J.Edsjo // Physical Review D : Particles,Fields,Gravitation,and Cosmology. – 2010. – Vol.81, No.6. – p.063502. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.81.063502. – Bibliogr.:36.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1 - Методы и аппаратура для регистрации элементарных частиц и фотонов$
Sivertsson, S.
Accurate Calculations of the WIMP Halo Around the Sun and Prospects for Its Gamma-Ray Detection / S.Sivertsson, J.Edsjo // Physical Review D : Particles,Fields,Gravitation,and Cosmology. – 2010. – Vol.81, No.6. – p.063502. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.81.063502. – Bibliogr.:36.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1 - Методы и аппаратура для регистрации элементарных частиц и фотонов$