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Электронный каталог: Zheng, L. - Extraction of Nb and Ta, Homolgues of Db, from Sulphuric Acid Solutions with TOA in Toluene Using...
Zheng, L. - Extraction of Nb and Ta, Homolgues of Db, from Sulphuric Acid Solutions with TOA in Toluene Using...

Автор: Zheng, L.
Radiochimica Acta: Extraction of Nb and Ta, Homolgues of Db, from Sulphuric Acid Solutions with TOA in Toluene Using...
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Автор: Zheng, L.
Radiochimica Acta: Extraction of Nb and Ta, Homolgues of Db, from Sulphuric Acid Solutions with TOA in Toluene Using...
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Zheng, L.
Extraction of Nb and Ta, Homolgues of Db, from Sulphuric Acid Solutions with TOA in Toluene Using SISAK / L.Zheng, [a.o.] // Radiochimica Acta. – 2008. – Vol.96,No.1. – p.41-48. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/ract.2008.1463. – Bibliogr.:30.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 413 в - Химические и физико-химические методы выделения и идентификации радиоактивных элементов
Zheng, L.
Extraction of Nb and Ta, Homolgues of Db, from Sulphuric Acid Solutions with TOA in Toluene Using SISAK / L.Zheng, [a.o.] // Radiochimica Acta. – 2008. – Vol.96,No.1. – p.41-48. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/ract.2008.1463. – Bibliogr.:30.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 413 в - Химические и физико-химические методы выделения и идентификации радиоактивных элементов