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Gordon and Breach, New York [etc.]
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Many-Body Physics: Ecole d'ete de Physique Theorique, Le Houches, 1967
Probleme a N corps
Gordon and Breach, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Many-Body Physics: Ecole d'ete de Physique Theorique, Le Houches, 1967
Probleme a N corps
Gordon and Breach, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует

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Moshinsky, M.
The Harmonic Oscillator in Modern Physics: From Atoms to Quarks
ISBN отсутствует
Moshinsky, M.
The Harmonic Oscillator in Modern Physics: From Atoms to Quarks
Серия: Documents on Modern Physics
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.ISBN отсутствует

Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1965: Lectures in Theoretical Physics...
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1965: Lectures in Theoretical Physics...
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Leite Lopes, J.
Lectures on Symmetries
ISBN отсутствует
Leite Lopes, J.
Lectures on Symmetries
Серия: Documents on Modern Physics
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1

1 из 1
Magnetic and Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by Metals: Based on a Symposium..., Los Angeles, Feb.22, 1967
Gordon and Breach, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Magnetic and Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by Metals: Based on a Symposium..., Los Angeles, Feb.22, 1967
Gordon and Breach, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Экз. чит. зала
Nuclear Physics: Ecole d'ete de Physique Theorique, Les Houches, 1968
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Nuclear Physics: Ecole d'ete de Physique Theorique, Les Houches, 1968
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.
ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Particle Physics: Lectures of the Univ. de Grenoble Summer School of Theoretical Physics, Les Houches, 1971
Gordon and Breach, 1973 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Particle Physics: Lectures of the Univ. de Grenoble Summer School of Theoretical Physics, Les Houches, 1971
Gordon and Breach, 1973 г.
ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Plasma Physics: Lectures at the Summer School of Theoretical Physics, Les Houches, July, 1972
Gordon and Breach, 1975 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Plasma Physics: Lectures at the Summer School of Theoretical Physics, Les Houches, July, 1972
Gordon and Breach, 1975 г.
ISBN отсутствует

2 из 2

2 из 2
Recent Developments in Particle Physics: Proc. of the lst Pacific International Summer School in Physics, 1965
ISBN отсутствует
Recent Developments in Particle Physics: Proc. of the lst Pacific International Summer School in Physics, 1965
Серия: Nuclear Physics A
Gordon and Breach, 1966 г.ISBN отсутствует

Physics of Many-Particle Systems: Methods and Problems
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Physics of Many-Particle Systems: Methods and Problems
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

2 из 2

1 из 1
Reeves, H.
Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis
ISBN отсутствует
Reeves, H.
Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis
Серия: Documents on Modern Physics
Gordon and Breach, 1968 г.ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Relativity and Gravitation: Based on the Proceedings of an International Seminar...,Haifa, 1969
Gordon and Breach, 1971 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Relativity and Gravitation: Based on the Proceedings of an International Seminar...,Haifa, 1969
Gordon and Breach, 1971 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Экз. чит. зала
Relativity, Groups and Topology: Lectures Delivered at Les Houches During the 1963 Session of the Summer School of Theoretical Physics
Gordon and Breach, 1964 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Relativity, Groups and Topology: Lectures Delivered at Les Houches During the 1963 Session of the Summer School of Theoretical Physics
Gordon and Breach, 1964 г.
ISBN отсутствует

2 из 2
Rellich, F.
Pertubation Theory of Eigenvalue Problems
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Rellich, F.
Pertubation Theory of Eigenvalue Problems
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.
ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Superconductivity.Proc.of the Advanced Summer Study,Montreal.Vol.2
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Superconductivity.Proc.of the Advanced Summer Study,Montreal.Vol.2
Gordon and Breach, 1969 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1966: Lectures in Theoretical Physics
Gordon and Breach, 2010 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1966: Lectures in Theoretical Physics
Gordon and Breach, 2010 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1967: Lectures on Elemetary Particles Physics and Scattering Theory
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1967: Lectures on Elemetary Particles Physics and Scattering Theory
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1968: Lectures...
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1968: Lectures...
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1969: Lectures...
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. 1969: Lectures...
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

Coral Gables Conference on Fundamental Interactions at High Energy ( 1970; Coral Gables): Proc...,Coral Gables, Jan. 21 - 32, 1970
Gordon and Breach, 1970 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Coral Gables Conference on Fundamental Interactions at High Energy ( 1970; Coral Gables): Proc...,Coral Gables, Jan. 21 - 32, 1970
Gordon and Breach, 1970 г.
ISBN отсутствует

1 из 1
Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms: Proc.of the Conference.., Padua, Sept.3-8, 1962
ISBN отсутствует
Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms: Proc.of the Conference.., Padua, Sept.3-8, 1962
Серия: Nuclear Physics A
Gordon and Breach, 1963 г.ISBN отсутствует

Few Body Problems Light Nuclei,and Nuclear Interactions: Proceedings of the Symposium, Brela,June 26-July 5, 1967
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Few Body Problems Light Nuclei,and Nuclear Interactions: Proceedings of the Symposium, Brela,June 26-July 5, 1967
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

Group Theory and Solid State Physics. A Seletion of Papers
Gordon and Breach, 1964 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Group Theory and Solid State Physics. A Seletion of Papers
Gordon and Breach, 1964 г.
ISBN отсутствует

High Energy Astrophysics ( 1966 ; Les Houches): Lectures... of the Summer School of Theoretical Physics with a grant from NATO, Les Houches, 1966
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
High Energy Astrophysics ( 1966 ; Les Houches): Lectures... of the Summer School of Theoretical Physics with a grant from NATO, Les Houches, 1966
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

Hyperfine Interactions in Excited Nuclei: Proc.of the Conference on Hyperfine Interactions Detected by Nuclear Radiation,Rehovoth and Jerusalem, Sept.1970
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Hyperfine Interactions in Excited Nuclei: Proc.of the Conference on Hyperfine Interactions Detected by Nuclear Radiation,Rehovoth and Jerusalem, Sept.1970
Gordon and Breach, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует

International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, 14th ( 1989, Tsukuba ): Proc..., Tsukuba, Aug.22-26, 1989
Gordon and Breach, 1990 г.
ISBN отсутствует
International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, 14th ( 1989, Tsukuba ): Proc..., Tsukuba, Aug.22-26, 1989
Gordon and Breach, 1990 г.
ISBN отсутствует
- Lectures in Theoretical Phys.
- Notes on Mathematics and Its Applications
- Documents on Modern Physics
- CCAST (World Laboratory) Symposium/Workshop Proceedings
- Mathematics and Its Applications
- Cours et Documents de Mathematiques et de Physique
- Quantum Phys. and Its Applications
- Metallurgical Soc. Conference
- The Many-Body Problem
- John Gamble Kirkwood Collected Works
- Nuclear Physics A
- Ferroelectrics