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Amirkhanov, I. V.
Сортировать по: заглавиюСвязанные описания:
Книга (аналит. описание)
Alexandrov, E. I.
A New Software Complex for Modeling Thermophysical Processes in Materials Irradiated with Heavy I...
ISBN отсутствует
Alexandrov, E. I.
A New Software Complex for Modeling Thermophysical Processes in Materials Irradiated with Heavy I...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
A Numerical Study of the Nonlinear Self-Consistent Eigenvalue Problem in a Generalised Polaron Model
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
A Numerical Study of the Nonlinear Self-Consistent Eigenvalue Problem in a Generalised Polaron Model
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Analytic Properties of the Quasipotential Scatering Amplitude in Complex Rapidity and Angular Mom...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Analytic Properties of the Quasipotential Scatering Amplitude in Complex Rapidity and Angular Mom...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1978 г.ISBN отсутствует
3 из 3
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Automated Control System (ACS) for Smith-Garren (SG) Curves Measurement
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ, ЗИЛ, ЛВЭ
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Automated Control System (ACS) for Smith-Garren (SG) Curves Measurement
Серия: JINR
JINR, 2019 г.ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ, ЗИЛ, ЛВЭ
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Automated Control System for Smith-Garren Curves Measurement: Abstract
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Automated Control System for Smith-Garren Curves Measurement: Abstract
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Formulation of Scattering Problem for the Fourth Order Differential Equation with Small Parameter...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Formulation of Scattering Problem for the Fourth Order Differential Equation with Small Parameter...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Influence of the Source's Form in the Model of Phase Moves in Metals Exposed to Pulsed Ion Beams
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Influence of the Source's Form in the Model of Phase Moves in Metals Exposed to Pulsed Ion Beams
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Instantaneous Approximation for QCD and the Properties of Mesons (*p, *p-prime, K, K-prime)
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Instantaneous Approximation for QCD and the Properties of Mesons (*p, *p-prime, K, K-prime)
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1990 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Interation Method for Solving the Spherical Non-Symmetrical Polaron Equation (the Luttinger-Lu Mo...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Interation Method for Solving the Spherical Non-Symmetrical Polaron Equation (the Luttinger-Lu Mo...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1992 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Investigation of Asymptotic Behaviour of the Quasipotential Amplitude in Complex Orbital Momentum...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Investigation of Asymptotic Behaviour of the Quasipotential Amplitude in Complex Orbital Momentum...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1978 г.ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Investigation of Solutions of Boundary Problems for the Singular Perturbed Differential Equation ...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Investigation of Solutions of Boundary Problems for the Singular Perturbed Differential Equation ...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Investigation of Solutions of Quasistationary States for the Quasipotential Equation
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Investigation of Solutions of Quasistationary States for the Quasipotential Equation
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Iteration Scheme for the Multiparameter Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem with the Additional Cond...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Iteration Scheme for the Multiparameter Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem with the Additional Cond...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1992 г.ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Mathematical Aspects of Modeling of Required Operation Modes of Multi Purpose Isochronous Cyclotrons
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Mathematical Aspects of Modeling of Required Operation Modes of Multi Purpose Isochronous Cyclotrons
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Mathematical Modeling of Beam Dynamics for Estimation of Operating Modes of Isochronous Cyclotron
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Mathematical Modeling of Beam Dynamics for Estimation of Operating Modes of Isochronous Cyclotron
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Alexandrov, E. I.
Modeling of Thermal Processes in Materials Irradiated with Heavy Ion Beams with the Use of Parall...
ISBN отсутствует
Alexandrov, E. I.
Modeling of Thermal Processes in Materials Irradiated with Heavy Ion Beams with the Use of Parall...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Modeling the Track Formation in Amorphous Iron Alloys Exposed to High-Energy Heavy Ions
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Modeling the Track Formation in Amorphous Iron Alloys Exposed to High-Energy Heavy Ions
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
MPI Algorithm Realization for 3D-Computation of Phase Transitions in Materials Irradiated by Ions...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
MPI Algorithm Realization for 3D-Computation of Phase Transitions in Materials Irradiated by Ions...
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Newtonian Iterative Scheme for Solving Schwinger-Dyson Equation for a Quark
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Newtonian Iterative Scheme for Solving Schwinger-Dyson Equation for a Quark
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1991 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Investigation of Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter Equations with Gauss and Oscillator...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Investigation of Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter Equations with Gauss and Oscillator...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1994 г.ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Investigation of the Thermoelastic Effects in Materials Irradiated by Pulsed Ion Beams ...
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Investigation of the Thermoelastic Effects in Materials Irradiated by Pulsed Ion Beams ...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Simulation of Heatmass Transfer Process in the Porous Material
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Simulation of Heatmass Transfer Process in the Porous Material
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Volokhova, A. V.
Numerical Simulation of the Hydrated Electron States Formation
ISBN отсутствует
Volokhova, A. V.
Numerical Simulation of the Hydrated Electron States Formation
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Simulations of Heat and Moisture Transfer Subject to the Phase Transition
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Numerical Simulations of Heat and Moisture Transfer Subject to the Phase Transition
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Zemlyanaya, E. V.
Numerical Study of Formation of Hydrated Electron States
ISBN отсутствует
Zemlyanaya, E. V.
Numerical Study of Formation of Hydrated Electron States
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Sarker, N. R.
On a Method of Investigation Nonlinear Self-Consistent Eigenvalue Problem with the Growing Poten...
ISBN отсутствует
Sarker, N. R.
On a Method of Investigation Nonlinear Self-Consistent Eigenvalue Problem with the Growing Poten...
ISBN отсутствует
1 из 1
Zavtrak, S. T.
On Some Questions of Theory of the Acoustic Laser
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ
Zavtrak, S. T.
On Some Questions of Theory of the Acoustic Laser
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1997 г.ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ
Нет экз.
Sarikov, N. A.
Parameters of Low-Energy Physics, Radial Excitations of *p, K, D Mesons and QCD Potential
ISBN отсутствует
Sarikov, N. A.
Parameters of Low-Energy Physics, Radial Excitations of *p, K, D Mesons and QCD Potential
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1991 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Pion as Relativistic Bound State in Oscillator Potential
ISBN отсутствует
Amirkhanov, I. V.
Pion as Relativistic Bound State in Oscillator Potential
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1989 г.ISBN отсутствует