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Belyaev, V. B.
Сортировать по: заглавиюСвязанные описания:
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Belyaev, V. B.
The Elastic Scattering and Charge-Exchange of Pions by *3He at the Intermediate Energies
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
The Elastic Scattering and Charge-Exchange of Pions by *3He at the Intermediate Energies
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1980 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Belyaev, V. B.
Experimental Study of *p^ Double Charge Exchange with *7Li
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Experimental Study of *p^ Double Charge Exchange with *7Li
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1980 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Belyaev, V. B.
Pairing Correlaions and One-Nucleon Reduced Widths of Nuclear Energy Levels
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Pairing Correlaions and One-Nucleon Reduced Widths of Nuclear Energy Levels
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1961 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Belyaev, V. B.
*m -mesic Molecular Ions and *m -mesic Molecular Processes in Hydrogen
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
*m -mesic Molecular Ions and *m -mesic Molecular Processes in Hydrogen
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1959 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Belyaev, V. B.
Possible Generalizations of the Method of Evolution in the Coupling Constant
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Possible Generalizations of the Method of Evolution in the Coupling Constant
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1980 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Belyaev, V. B.
Threshold *p*0 -Meson Photoproduction on the Lightest Nuclei
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Threshold *p*0 -Meson Photoproduction on the Lightest Nuclei
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1981 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Belyaev, V. B.
Description of the Nucleon, *L -Particle Interaction with the Lightest Nuclei at Low Energies
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Description of the Nucleon, *L -Particle Interaction with the Lightest Nuclei at Low Energies
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1981 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Belyaev, V. B.
The Nucleus *5&sub(*D)He and *D-*4He Scattering
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
The Nucleus *5&sub(*D)He and *D-*4He Scattering
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1982 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Belyaev, V. B.
Calculation of the Body-Form Factor for the *3He and *3H Nuclei by Means of the Modified BKR Pote...
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Calculation of the Body-Form Factor for the *3He and *3H Nuclei by Means of the Modified BKR Pote...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1972 г.ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Recovering the Two-Body Potential from a Given Three-Body Wave Function
ISBN отсутствует
Belyaev, V. B.
Recovering the Two-Body Potential from a Given Three-Body Wave Function
ISBN отсутствует