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Velo, G.
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Fundamental Problems of Gauge Field Theory (6th; 1985; Erice): Proc. of the Sixth Intern. School of Mathematical Physics and NATO Advanced Study Institute on ...., July 1-14, 1985, the Ettore Major...
Plenum Press, 1986 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
Fundamental Problems of Gauge Field Theory (6th; 1985; Erice): Proc. of the Sixth Intern. School of Mathematical Physics and NATO Advanced Study Institute on ...., July 1-14, 1985, the Ettore Major...
Plenum Press, 1986 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
1 из 1
Invariant Wave Equations: Proc. ...of the "Ettore Majorana" Intern. School of Mathematical Physics...Erice, June 27 - Luly 9, 1977
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
Invariant Wave Equations: Proc. ...of the "Ettore Majorana" Intern. School of Mathematical Physics...Erice, June 27 - Luly 9, 1977
Серия: Lecture Notes in Physics
Springer, 1978 г.ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
1 из 1
Regular and Chaotic Motions in Dynamic Systems: Proc.of the 5th Internat.School of Mathematical Physics and NATO Advanced Study Institute on..., Erice, July 2-14,1983
Plenum Press, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
Regular and Chaotic Motions in Dynamic Systems: Proc.of the 5th Internat.School of Mathematical Physics and NATO Advanced Study Institute on..., Erice, July 2-14,1983
Plenum Press, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
1 из 1
Renormalization Theory: Proc.of the NATO Advanced Study Inst., Erice,Aug.17-31,1975
D.Reidel Publ. Comp., 1976 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
Renormalization Theory: Proc.of the NATO Advanced Study Inst., Erice,Aug.17-31,1975
D.Reidel Publ. Comp., 1976 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
1 из 1
Constructive Quantum Field Theory: Proc.of the "Ettore Majorana" International School of Mathematical Physics, Erice, July 26-Aug.5, 1973
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ
Constructive Quantum Field Theory: Proc.of the "Ettore Majorana" International School of Mathematical Physics, Erice, July 26-Aug.5, 1973
Серия: Lecture Notes in Physics
Springer, 1973 г.ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЗИЛ.ЧЗ