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Электронный каталог: Park, J.-M. - Consideration of the Leakage-Current and the Radiation-Response Characteristics of Silicon PIN De...
Park, J.-M. - Consideration of the Leakage-Current and the Radiation-Response Characteristics of Silicon PIN De...
Автор: Park, J.-M.
Journal of the Korean Physical Society: Consideration of the Leakage-Current and the Radiation-Response Characteristics of Silicon PIN De...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Park, J.-M.
Journal of the Korean Physical Society: Consideration of the Leakage-Current and the Radiation-Response Characteristics of Silicon PIN De...
ISBN отсутствует
Park, J.-M.
Consideration of the Leakage-Current and the Radiation-Response Characteristics of Silicon PIN Detectors with Different N-Type Substrates and Their Applications to a Personal *g-Ray Dosimeter / J.-M.Park, [et al.] // Journal of the Korean Physical Society. – 2007. – Vol.51, No.1. – p.10-17. – Bibliogr.:15.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 б - Дозиметрическая и радиометрическая аппаратура
Park, J.-M.
Consideration of the Leakage-Current and the Radiation-Response Characteristics of Silicon PIN Detectors with Different N-Type Substrates and Their Applications to a Personal *g-Ray Dosimeter / J.-M.Park, [et al.] // Journal of the Korean Physical Society. – 2007. – Vol.51, No.1. – p.10-17. – Bibliogr.:15.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 б - Дозиметрическая и радиометрическая аппаратура