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Электронный каталог: Babaev, E. - Violation of the London Law and Onsager-Feynman Quantization in Multicomponet Superconductors
Babaev, E. - Violation of the London Law and Onsager-Feynman Quantization in Multicomponet Superconductors
Автор: Babaev, E.
Nature Physics: Violation of the London Law and Onsager-Feynman Quantization in Multicomponet Superconductors
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Babaev, E.
Nature Physics: Violation of the London Law and Onsager-Feynman Quantization in Multicomponet Superconductors
ISBN отсутствует
Babaev, E.
Violation of the London Law and Onsager-Feynman Quantization in Multicomponet Superconductors / E.Babaev, N.W.Ashcroft // Nature Physics. – 2007. – Vol.3, No.8. – p.530-533. – URL: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v3/n8/pdf/nphys646.pdf. – Bibliogr.:16.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 326.2 - Бозе-системы. Сверхтекучесть
Babaev, E.
Violation of the London Law and Onsager-Feynman Quantization in Multicomponet Superconductors / E.Babaev, N.W.Ashcroft // Nature Physics. – 2007. – Vol.3, No.8. – p.530-533. – URL: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v3/n8/pdf/nphys646.pdf. – Bibliogr.:16.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 326.2 - Бозе-системы. Сверхтекучесть