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Электронный каталог: Aksenova, N. G. - Neutron Activation Analysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent
Aksenova, N. G. - Neutron Activation Analysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Aksenova, N. G.
XII International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics, Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908-1979). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors...: Neutron Activation Analysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Aksenova, N. G.
XII International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics, Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908-1979). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors...: Neutron Activation Analysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Aksenova, N.G.
Neutron Activation Analysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent / N.G.Aksenova, M.V.Frontasyeva, E.I.Kirkesali, L.M.Mosulishvili // XII International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics, Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908-1979). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors, Dubna, June 8-11, 2003 = Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики : Programme and Abstracts / International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12; 2003; Dubna). – Dubna : JINR, 2003. – p.233. – (JINR ; E14-2003-68) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 413 д - Активационный анализ
Aksenova, N.G.
Neutron Activation Analysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent / N.G.Aksenova, M.V.Frontasyeva, E.I.Kirkesali, L.M.Mosulishvili // XII International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics, Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908-1979). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors, Dubna, June 8-11, 2003 = Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики : Programme and Abstracts / International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12; 2003; Dubna). – Dubna : JINR, 2003. – p.233. – (JINR ; E14-2003-68) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 413 д - Активационный анализ