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GZK and Surroundings

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GZK and Surroundings : Proc. of the Cosmic Ray International Seminars (CRIS 2004), Catania, Italy, May 31 - June 4 2004
Серия: Nuclear Physics B. Proc. Suppl.
Издательство: Elsevier Science, 2004 г.
ISBN отсутствует
GZK and Surroundings : Proc. of the Cosmic Ray International Seminars (CRIS 2004), Catania, Italy, May 31 - June 4 2004
Серия: Nuclear Physics B. Proc. Suppl.
Издательство: Elsevier Science, 2004 г.
ISBN отсутствует
С347(04) G-99
GZK and Surroundings : Proc. of the Cosmic Ray International Seminars (CRIS 2004), Catania, Italy, May 31 - June 4 2004 / Ed.: C.Aramo, [et al.]. – Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier Science, 2004. – XXIV, 454 p. : il. – (Nuclear Physics B. Proc. Suppl., ISSN 0920-5632 ; Vol. 136). – URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=IssueURL&_tockey=%23TOC%235532%232004%23998639999%23532563%23FLP%23Volume_136,_Pages_3-453_(November_2004)%2BMCRIS_2004_Proceedings_of_the_Cosmic_Ray_International_Seminars%3A_GZK_and_Surroundings%2BM31-04_May_2004%2BMEdited_by_C._Aramo,_A._Insolia_and_C._Tuve&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000057066&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=2361977&md5=8581ec1f46b834ee825b06bcbc6d31e3. – Bibliogr.: end of papers.
Индексный (книги) = С 347 - Космические лучи
Географический = Catania, Italy
Ключевых слов = UHE cosmic rays
Ключевых слов = neutrino astronomy
Ключевых слов = ANTARES
Ключевых слов = AMANDA
С347(04) G-99
GZK and Surroundings : Proc. of the Cosmic Ray International Seminars (CRIS 2004), Catania, Italy, May 31 - June 4 2004 / Ed.: C.Aramo, [et al.]. – Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier Science, 2004. – XXIV, 454 p. : il. – (Nuclear Physics B. Proc. Suppl., ISSN 0920-5632 ; Vol. 136). – URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=IssueURL&_tockey=%23TOC%235532%232004%23998639999%23532563%23FLP%23Volume_136,_Pages_3-453_(November_2004)%2BMCRIS_2004_Proceedings_of_the_Cosmic_Ray_International_Seminars%3A_GZK_and_Surroundings%2BM31-04_May_2004%2BMEdited_by_C._Aramo,_A._Insolia_and_C._Tuve&_auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000057066&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=2361977&md5=8581ec1f46b834ee825b06bcbc6d31e3. – Bibliogr.: end of papers.
Индексный (книги) = С 347 - Космические лучи
Географический = Catania, Italy
Ключевых слов = UHE cosmic rays
Ключевых слов = neutrino astronomy
Ключевых слов = ANTARES
Ключевых слов = AMANDA
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