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Электронный каталог: Bohlen, N. G. - Structure Studies of Neutron-Rich Beryllium and Carbon Isotopes
Bohlen, N. G. - Structure Studies of Neutron-Rich Beryllium and Carbon Isotopes
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Bohlen, N. G.
Symposium on Nuclear Clusters: From Light Exotic to Superheavy Nuclei (2002; Rauischholzhausen): Structure Studies of Neutron-Rich Beryllium and Carbon Isotopes
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Bohlen, N. G.
Symposium on Nuclear Clusters: From Light Exotic to Superheavy Nuclei (2002; Rauischholzhausen): Structure Studies of Neutron-Rich Beryllium and Carbon Isotopes
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Bohlen, N.G.
Structure Studies of Neutron-Rich Beryllium and Carbon Isotopes / N.G.Bohlen, R.Kalpakchieva, [a.o.] // Symposium on Nuclear Clusters: From Light Exotic to Superheavy Nuclei (2002; Rauischholzhausen) : Proc.of the Symp. on ... (284. WE-Heraeus-Seminar), Rauischholzhausen, Germany, Aug. 5-9, 2002 / Ed.: R.Jolos, W.Scheid. – Debrecen : EP Systema, 2003. – p.53-58. – Bibliogr.:19.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.2в - Уровни ядер
Bohlen, N.G.
Structure Studies of Neutron-Rich Beryllium and Carbon Isotopes / N.G.Bohlen, R.Kalpakchieva, [a.o.] // Symposium on Nuclear Clusters: From Light Exotic to Superheavy Nuclei (2002; Rauischholzhausen) : Proc.of the Symp. on ... (284. WE-Heraeus-Seminar), Rauischholzhausen, Germany, Aug. 5-9, 2002 / Ed.: R.Jolos, W.Scheid. – Debrecen : EP Systema, 2003. – p.53-58. – Bibliogr.:19.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.2в - Уровни ядер