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Электронный каталог: Volkov, M. K. - Description of the Processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) in the NJL Model ...
Volkov, M. K. - Description of the Processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) in the NJL Model ...

Автор: Volkov, M. K.
Nuclear Physics A [Electronic resource]: Description of the Processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) in the NJL Model ...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Volkov, M. K.
Nuclear Physics A [Electronic resource]: Description of the Processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) in the NJL Model ...
ISBN отсутствует
Volkov, M.K.
Description of the Processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) in the NJL Model with Value of the Vector Coupling Constant g&sub(*)r = 6 / M.K.Volkov, A.A.Pivovarov, K.Nurlan // Nuclear Physics A [Electronic resource]. – 2025. – Vol. 1054. – P. 122992. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2024.122992. – Bibliogr.: 40.
It is shown that the processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) can be described in a unified approach in satisfactory agreement with experiment using the vector coupling constant g&sub(*r)= 6. In this case, in addition to quark loops, it is also necessary to take into account meson loops corresponding to the next order in 1?N&sub(c). These loops must be taken into account when describing the *g(W) *> *r transition, as well as in interaction of mesons in the final state.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.7 - Встречные е+е- и мю+мю- пучки
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1д - Квантовая хромодинамика$
Volkov, M.K.
Description of the Processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) in the NJL Model with Value of the Vector Coupling Constant g&sub(*)r = 6 / M.K.Volkov, A.A.Pivovarov, K.Nurlan // Nuclear Physics A [Electronic resource]. – 2025. – Vol. 1054. – P. 122992. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2024.122992. – Bibliogr.: 40.
It is shown that the processes e*+e*− *> *p*+*p*-− and *t*− *> *p*−*p*0*n&sub(*t) can be described in a unified approach in satisfactory agreement with experiment using the vector coupling constant g&sub(*r)= 6. In this case, in addition to quark loops, it is also necessary to take into account meson loops corresponding to the next order in 1?N&sub(c). These loops must be taken into account when describing the *g(W) *> *r transition, as well as in interaction of mesons in the final state.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.7 - Встречные е+е- и мю+мю- пучки
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1д - Квантовая хромодинамика$