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Электронный каталог: Mikhailov, S. V. - Adler Functions, Bjorken Polarized Sum Rule: Confirmation of Elements of the {*b}- Expansion and ...
Mikhailov, S. V. - Adler Functions, Bjorken Polarized Sum Rule: Confirmation of Elements of the {*b}- Expansion and ...
Автор: Mikhailov, S. V.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Adler Functions, Bjorken Polarized Sum Rule: Confirmation of Elements of the {*b}- Expansion and ...
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Автор: Mikhailov, S. V.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Adler Functions, Bjorken Polarized Sum Rule: Confirmation of Elements of the {*b}- Expansion and ...
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Mikhailov, S.V.
Adler Functions, Bjorken Polarized Sum Rule: Confirmation of Elements of the {*b}- Expansion and the Diagrams / S.V.Mikhailov // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 2024, No. 10. – P. 166. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP10(2024)166. – Bibliogr.: 24.
Different ways exist to obtain the elements of the {β}-expansion for renormgroup invariant quantities. Here we consider independent confirmation within the standard QCD of a number of our results [1] for the values of elements of this expansion for the nonsinglet Adler D&sub(A)-function, Bjorken polarized sum rules S&sup(Bjp) up to the order N*4LO. We suggest an approach to estimate the results of high order QCD calculations using a smaller number of diagrams of the specific type. This type is based on a proposed generalization of Naive NonAbelianization.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.3 - Аксиоматическая теория поля. Аналитические свойства матричных элементов и дисперсионные соотношения. Разложение операторов вблизи светового конуса. Вопросы регуляризации и перенормировки. Размерная регуляризация$
Бюллетени = 50/024
Mikhailov, S.V.
Adler Functions, Bjorken Polarized Sum Rule: Confirmation of Elements of the {*b}- Expansion and the Diagrams / S.V.Mikhailov // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 2024, No. 10. – P. 166. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP10(2024)166. – Bibliogr.: 24.
Different ways exist to obtain the elements of the {β}-expansion for renormgroup invariant quantities. Here we consider independent confirmation within the standard QCD of a number of our results [1] for the values of elements of this expansion for the nonsinglet Adler D&sub(A)-function, Bjorken polarized sum rules S&sup(Bjp) up to the order N*4LO. We suggest an approach to estimate the results of high order QCD calculations using a smaller number of diagrams of the specific type. This type is based on a proposed generalization of Naive NonAbelianization.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.3 - Аксиоматическая теория поля. Аналитические свойства матричных элементов и дисперсионные соотношения. Разложение операторов вблизи светового конуса. Вопросы регуляризации и перенормировки. Размерная регуляризация$
Бюллетени = 50/024