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Cortina Gil, E. - Search for Leptonic Decays of Dark Photons at NA62

Автор: Cortina Gil, E.
Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]: Search for Leptonic Decays of Dark Photons at NA62
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Автор: Cortina Gil, E.
Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]: Search for Leptonic Decays of Dark Photons at NA62
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Cortina Gil, E.
Search for Leptonic Decays of Dark Photons at NA62 / E.Cortina Gil, A.Baeva, D.Baigarashev, D.Emelyanov, T.Enik, V.Falaleev, V.Kekelidze, D.Kereibay, A.Korotkova, L.Litov, D.Madigozhin, M.Misheva, N.Molokanova, I.Polenkevich, Yu.Potrebenikov, S.Shkarovskiy, [NA62 Collab.] // Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 133, No. 11. – P. 111802. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.111802. – Bibliogr.: 37.
The NA62 experiment at CERN, configured in beam-dump mode, has searched for dark photon decays in flight to electron-positron pairs using a sample of 1.4×10*1*7 protons on dump collected in 2021. No evidence for a dark photon signal is observed. The combined result for dark photon searches in lepton–antilepton final states is presented and a region of the parameter space is excluded at 90% confidence level, improving on previous experimental limits for dark photon mass values between 50 and 600 MeV/𝑐2 and coupling values in the range 10*−*6 to 4×10*−*5. An interpretation of the 𝑒+𝑒− search result in terms of the emission and decay of an axionlike particle is also presented.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.7 - Встречные е+е- и мю+мю- пучки
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 322.2 - Космология. Гравитационные волны
Cortina Gil, E.
Search for Leptonic Decays of Dark Photons at NA62 / E.Cortina Gil, A.Baeva, D.Baigarashev, D.Emelyanov, T.Enik, V.Falaleev, V.Kekelidze, D.Kereibay, A.Korotkova, L.Litov, D.Madigozhin, M.Misheva, N.Molokanova, I.Polenkevich, Yu.Potrebenikov, S.Shkarovskiy, [NA62 Collab.] // Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 133, No. 11. – P. 111802. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.111802. – Bibliogr.: 37.
The NA62 experiment at CERN, configured in beam-dump mode, has searched for dark photon decays in flight to electron-positron pairs using a sample of 1.4×10*1*7 protons on dump collected in 2021. No evidence for a dark photon signal is observed. The combined result for dark photon searches in lepton–antilepton final states is presented and a region of the parameter space is excluded at 90% confidence level, improving on previous experimental limits for dark photon mass values between 50 and 600 MeV/𝑐2 and coupling values in the range 10*−*6 to 4×10*−*5. An interpretation of the 𝑒+𝑒− search result in terms of the emission and decay of an axionlike particle is also presented.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.7 - Встречные е+е- и мю+мю- пучки
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 322.2 - Космология. Гравитационные волны