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Электронный каталог: An, F. P. - Search for a Sub-eV Sterile Neutrino Using Daya Bay's Full Dataset
An, F. P. - Search for a Sub-eV Sterile Neutrino Using Daya Bay's Full Dataset
Автор: An, F. P.
Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]: Search for a Sub-eV Sterile Neutrino Using Daya Bay's Full Dataset
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Автор: An, F. P.
Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]: Search for a Sub-eV Sterile Neutrino Using Daya Bay's Full Dataset
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An, F.P.
Search for a Sub-eV Sterile Neutrino Using Daya Bay's Full Dataset / F.P.An, D.Dolzhikov, M.Gonchar, D.Naumov, E.Naumova, A.Olshevskiy, V.Zavadskyi, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 133, No. 5. – P. 051801. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.051801. – Bibliogr.: 40.
This Letter presents results of a search for the mixing of a sub-eV sterile neutrino with three active neutrinos based on the full data sample of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, collected during 3158 days of detector operation, which contains 5.55 × 10 6 reactor ¯νe candidates identified as inverse beta- decay interactions followed by neutron capture on gadolinium. The analysis benefits from a doubling of the statistics of our previous result and from improvements of several important systematic uncertainties. No significant oscillation due to mixing of a sub-eV sterile neutrino with active neutrinos was found. Exclusion limits are set by both Feldman-Cousins and CLs methods. Light sterile neutrino mixing with sin2 2θ14 ≳ 0.01 can be excluded at 95% confidence level in the region of 0.01 eV2 ≲ jΔm2 41j ≲ 0.1 eV2. This result represents the world-leading constraints in the region of 2 × 10−4 eV2 ≲ jΔm2 41j ≲ 0.2 eV2
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1а - Свойства нейтрино
An, F.P.
Search for a Sub-eV Sterile Neutrino Using Daya Bay's Full Dataset / F.P.An, D.Dolzhikov, M.Gonchar, D.Naumov, E.Naumova, A.Olshevskiy, V.Zavadskyi, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 133, No. 5. – P. 051801. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.051801. – Bibliogr.: 40.
This Letter presents results of a search for the mixing of a sub-eV sterile neutrino with three active neutrinos based on the full data sample of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, collected during 3158 days of detector operation, which contains 5.55 × 10 6 reactor ¯νe candidates identified as inverse beta- decay interactions followed by neutron capture on gadolinium. The analysis benefits from a doubling of the statistics of our previous result and from improvements of several important systematic uncertainties. No significant oscillation due to mixing of a sub-eV sterile neutrino with active neutrinos was found. Exclusion limits are set by both Feldman-Cousins and CLs methods. Light sterile neutrino mixing with sin2 2θ14 ≳ 0.01 can be excluded at 95% confidence level in the region of 0.01 eV2 ≲ jΔm2 41j ≲ 0.1 eV2. This result represents the world-leading constraints in the region of 2 × 10−4 eV2 ≲ jΔm2 41j ≲ 0.2 eV2
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1а - Свойства нейтрино