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Электронный каталог: Acero, M. A. - Measurement of the Double-Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section in t...
Acero, M. A. - Measurement of the Double-Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section in t...

Автор: Acero, M. A.
Physical Review D [Electronic resource]: Measurement of the Double-Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section in t...
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Автор: Acero, M. A.
Physical Review D [Electronic resource]: Measurement of the Double-Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section in t...
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Acero, M.A.
Measurement of the Double-Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section in the NOvA Near Detector / M.A.Acero, N.Anfimov, A.Antoshkin, N.Balashov, I.Kakorin, A.Kalitkina, O.Klimov, L.Kolupaeva, Ch.Kullenberg, A.Morozova, A.Olshevskiy, O.Petrova, O.Samoylov, A.Sheshukov, [et al.] // Physical Review D [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.107, No.5. – P. 052011. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.107.052011. – Bibliogr.: 59.
We report cross-section measurements of the final-state muon kinematics for *n&sub(*m) charged-current interactions in the NOvA near detector using an accumulated 8.09×10*2*0 protons on target in the NuMI beam. We present the results as a double-differential cross section in the observed outgoing muon energy and angle, as well as single-differential cross sections in the derived neutrino energy, 𝐸&sub(*n), and square of the four-momentum transfer, 𝑄*2. We compare the results to inclusive cross-section predictions from various neutrino event generators via *c*2 calculations using a covariance matrix that accounts for bin-to-bin correlations of systematic uncertainties. These comparisons show a clear discrepancy between the data and each of the tested predictions at forward muon angle and low 𝑄*2, indicating a missing suppression of the cross section in current neutrino-nucleus scattering models
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1в - Взаимодействие нейтрино с нуклонами и другими частицами
Acero, M.A.
Measurement of the Double-Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section in the NOvA Near Detector / M.A.Acero, N.Anfimov, A.Antoshkin, N.Balashov, I.Kakorin, A.Kalitkina, O.Klimov, L.Kolupaeva, Ch.Kullenberg, A.Morozova, A.Olshevskiy, O.Petrova, O.Samoylov, A.Sheshukov, [et al.] // Physical Review D [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.107, No.5. – P. 052011. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.107.052011. – Bibliogr.: 59.
We report cross-section measurements of the final-state muon kinematics for *n&sub(*m) charged-current interactions in the NOvA near detector using an accumulated 8.09×10*2*0 protons on target in the NuMI beam. We present the results as a double-differential cross section in the observed outgoing muon energy and angle, as well as single-differential cross sections in the derived neutrino energy, 𝐸&sub(*n), and square of the four-momentum transfer, 𝑄*2. We compare the results to inclusive cross-section predictions from various neutrino event generators via *c*2 calculations using a covariance matrix that accounts for bin-to-bin correlations of systematic uncertainties. These comparisons show a clear discrepancy between the data and each of the tested predictions at forward muon angle and low 𝑄*2, indicating a missing suppression of the cross section in current neutrino-nucleus scattering models
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.1в - Взаимодействие нейтрино с нуклонами и другими частицами