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Электронный каталог: Balashov, N. - Changes and Challenges at the JINR and Its Member States Cloud Infrastructures
Balashov, N. - Changes and Challenges at the JINR and Its Member States Cloud Infrastructures
Автор: Balashov, N.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра: Changes and Challenges at the JINR and Its Member States Cloud Infrastructures : [Abstract]
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Balashov, N.
Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра: Changes and Challenges at the JINR and Its Member States Cloud Infrastructures : [Abstract]
ISBN отсутствует
Balashov, N.
Changes and Challenges at the JINR and Its Member States Cloud Infrastructures : [Abstract] / N.Balashov, I.Kuprikov, N.Kutovskiy, A.N.Makhalkin, Ye.Mazhitova, I.Pelevanyuk, R.Semenov, D.Shpotya // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. – 2024. – Т. 55, № 3. – P. 549. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan/v-55-3/14_Balashov_ann.pdf.
The advantages of cloud technologies allowed the latter to occupy a certain niche in the field of scientific computing. Around a decade ago, following that trend, a cloud infrastructure was deployed at JINR and later in the scientific organizations of its Member States. These cloud resources were integrated into a Distributed Information and Computing Environment (DICE) to combine computational power for solving common scientific tasks, as well as to distribute peak loads across participants. Over the last few years, the activities on the JINR cloud infrastructure have mostly focused on improving the quality of service. Main issues faced with and the ways of solving them are given. Some statistics on the resources utilization as well as changes in both the JINR cloud and the DICE infrastructure are provided.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = Ц 84 б - Устройства для обработки экспериментальных данных. Центры по обработке информации (в том числе устройства для обработки данных с регистрирующих приборов экспериментальной физики) Системы on-line
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = Ц 84 а2 - Многомашинные комплексы вычислительных средств. Вычислительные системы и сети. Параллельные вычисления. Квантовые компьютеры
ОИЯИ = Литература об ОИЯИ (JINR)
Balashov, N.
Changes and Challenges at the JINR and Its Member States Cloud Infrastructures : [Abstract] / N.Balashov, I.Kuprikov, N.Kutovskiy, A.N.Makhalkin, Ye.Mazhitova, I.Pelevanyuk, R.Semenov, D.Shpotya // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. – 2024. – Т. 55, № 3. – P. 549. – URL: http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan/v-55-3/14_Balashov_ann.pdf.
The advantages of cloud technologies allowed the latter to occupy a certain niche in the field of scientific computing. Around a decade ago, following that trend, a cloud infrastructure was deployed at JINR and later in the scientific organizations of its Member States. These cloud resources were integrated into a Distributed Information and Computing Environment (DICE) to combine computational power for solving common scientific tasks, as well as to distribute peak loads across participants. Over the last few years, the activities on the JINR cloud infrastructure have mostly focused on improving the quality of service. Main issues faced with and the ways of solving them are given. Some statistics on the resources utilization as well as changes in both the JINR cloud and the DICE infrastructure are provided.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = Ц 84 б - Устройства для обработки экспериментальных данных. Центры по обработке информации (в том числе устройства для обработки данных с регистрирующих приборов экспериментальной физики) Системы on-line
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = Ц 84 а2 - Многомашинные комплексы вычислительных средств. Вычислительные системы и сети. Параллельные вычисления. Квантовые компьютеры
ОИЯИ = Литература об ОИЯИ (JINR)