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Электронный каталог: Pudlak, M. - Valley Focusing Effect in a Rippled Graphene Superlattice
Pudlak, M. - Valley Focusing Effect in a Rippled Graphene Superlattice
Автор: Pudlak, M.
Physical Review B [Electronic resource]: Valley Focusing Effect in a Rippled Graphene Superlattice
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Автор: Pudlak, M.
Physical Review B [Electronic resource]: Valley Focusing Effect in a Rippled Graphene Superlattice
ISBN отсутствует
Pudlak, M.
Valley Focusing Effect in a Rippled Graphene Superlattice / M.Pudlak, R.G.Nazmitdinov // Physical Review B [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 109, No. 20. – P. 205402. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.205402. – Bibliogr.: 35.
Graphene corrugations affect hybridization of π and σ orbitals of carbon atoms in graphene based systems. It can as well break differently the symmetry of the electron transfer integrals for different strip boundaries. Using these facts, we found that the momentum distribution of electrons in ballistically propagating beam can be selective without external electric and/or magnetic fields in the graphene strip under experimentally feasible periodic potential. Such a potential is created by means of the superlattice that consists of periodically repeated graphene elements (flat and rippled junction) with different hybridization of carbon orbits, produced by variation of the graphene surface curvature. As a result it gives rise to the valley dependent focusing effects that can be controlled by alteration of the number of superlattice elements.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 325.7 - Фуллерены (Сn). Атомные кластеры
Бюллетени = 26/024
Pudlak, M.
Valley Focusing Effect in a Rippled Graphene Superlattice / M.Pudlak, R.G.Nazmitdinov // Physical Review B [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 109, No. 20. – P. 205402. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.205402. – Bibliogr.: 35.
Graphene corrugations affect hybridization of π and σ orbitals of carbon atoms in graphene based systems. It can as well break differently the symmetry of the electron transfer integrals for different strip boundaries. Using these facts, we found that the momentum distribution of electrons in ballistically propagating beam can be selective without external electric and/or magnetic fields in the graphene strip under experimentally feasible periodic potential. Such a potential is created by means of the superlattice that consists of periodically repeated graphene elements (flat and rippled junction) with different hybridization of carbon orbits, produced by variation of the graphene surface curvature. As a result it gives rise to the valley dependent focusing effects that can be controlled by alteration of the number of superlattice elements.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 325.7 - Фуллерены (Сn). Атомные кластеры
Бюллетени = 26/024