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Электронный каталог: Kireyeu, V. - Cluster Formation near Midrapidity: How the Production Mechanisms Can be Identified Experimentally
Kireyeu, V. - Cluster Formation near Midrapidity: How the Production Mechanisms Can be Identified Experimentally

Автор: Kireyeu, V.
Physical Review C [Electronic resource]: Cluster Formation near Midrapidity: How the Production Mechanisms Can be Identified Experimentally
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Автор: Kireyeu, V.
Physical Review C [Electronic resource]: Cluster Formation near Midrapidity: How the Production Mechanisms Can be Identified Experimentally
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Kireyeu, V.
Cluster Formation near Midrapidity: How the Production Mechanisms Can be Identified Experimentally / V.Kireyeu, G.Coci, S.Glabel, [a.o.] // Physical Review C [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 109, No. 4. – P. 044906. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.109.044906. – Bibliogr.: 21.
The formation of weakly bound clusters in the hot and dense environment at midrapidity is one of the surprising phenomena observed experimentally in heavy-ion collisions from a low center of mass energy of a few GeV up to an ultrarelativistic energy of several TeV. Three approaches have been advanced to describe the cluster formation: coalescence at kinetic freeze-out, cluster formation during the entire heavy-ion collision by potential interaction between nucleons, and deuteron production by hadronic kinetic reactions. Based on the parton-hadron-quantum molecular dynamics microscopic transport approach, which incorporates all three mechanisms for deuteron production, we identify experimental observables, which can discriminate these production mechanisms for deuterons.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 а2 - Теория ядерных реакций при высоких энергиях (E>1 Гэв)
Бюллетени = 25/024
Kireyeu, V.
Cluster Formation near Midrapidity: How the Production Mechanisms Can be Identified Experimentally / V.Kireyeu, G.Coci, S.Glabel, [a.o.] // Physical Review C [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 109, No. 4. – P. 044906. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.109.044906. – Bibliogr.: 21.
The formation of weakly bound clusters in the hot and dense environment at midrapidity is one of the surprising phenomena observed experimentally in heavy-ion collisions from a low center of mass energy of a few GeV up to an ultrarelativistic energy of several TeV. Three approaches have been advanced to describe the cluster formation: coalescence at kinetic freeze-out, cluster formation during the entire heavy-ion collision by potential interaction between nucleons, and deuteron production by hadronic kinetic reactions. Based on the parton-hadron-quantum molecular dynamics microscopic transport approach, which incorporates all three mechanisms for deuteron production, we identify experimental observables, which can discriminate these production mechanisms for deuterons.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 а2 - Теория ядерных реакций при высоких энергиях (E>1 Гэв)
Бюллетени = 25/024