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Электронный каталог: Kozhevnikova, M. - Production of Light Hypernuclei in Au+Au Collisions at *%s&sub(NN)=3 GeV within a Thermodynamic A...
Kozhevnikova, M. - Production of Light Hypernuclei in Au+Au Collisions at *%s&sub(NN)=3 GeV within a Thermodynamic A...

Автор: Kozhevnikova, M.
Physical Review C [Electronic resource]: Production of Light Hypernuclei in Au+Au Collisions at *%s&sub(NN)=3 GeV within a Thermodynamic A...
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Автор: Kozhevnikova, M.
Physical Review C [Electronic resource]: Production of Light Hypernuclei in Au+Au Collisions at *%s&sub(NN)=3 GeV within a Thermodynamic A...
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Kozhevnikova, M.
Production of Light Hypernuclei in Au+Au Collisions at *%s&sub(NN)=3 GeV within a Thermodynamic Approach / M.Kozhevnikova, Yu.B.Ivanov // Physical Review C [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 109, No. 3. – P. 034901. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.109.034901. – Bibliogr.: 53.
Simulations of the Λ-hyperon and light-hypernuclei production in Au+Au collisions at √s&sub(NN)=3 GeV were performed within the updated three-fluid hydrodynamics-based event simulator extended by UrQMD (ultrarelativistic quantum molecular dynamics) final state interactions (THESEUS). The light (hyper)nuclei are treated thermodynamically, i.e., they are considered on an equal basis with hadrons. The only additional parameter is related to the late freeze-out that imitates the afterburner stage for the light (hyper)nuclei because UrQMD is not able to dynamically treat them. The calculation of hypernuclei production is the same as that of light nuclei. The hypernuclei results are compared with recent STAR data. It is found that the calculated midrapidity &sup(3)&sub(Λ)H/Λ ratio falls within the error bars of the experimental point. It is remarkable that the large difference between the t/p and &sup(3)&sub(Λ)H/Λ ratios is reproduced without any additional parameters. Rapidity distributions of &sup(3)&sub(Λ)H/Λ and &sup(4)&sub(Λ)He/Λ ratios are predicted. Midrapidity mean transverse momenta of protons, Λ's and light (hyper)nuclei in central collisions agree well with the data. The calculated directed flow also reasonably well reproduces of the data.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 а2 - Теория ядерных реакций при высоких энергиях (E>1 Гэв)
Бюллетени = 22/024
Kozhevnikova, M.
Production of Light Hypernuclei in Au+Au Collisions at *%s&sub(NN)=3 GeV within a Thermodynamic Approach / M.Kozhevnikova, Yu.B.Ivanov // Physical Review C [Electronic resource]. – 2024. – Vol. 109, No. 3. – P. 034901. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.109.034901. – Bibliogr.: 53.
Simulations of the Λ-hyperon and light-hypernuclei production in Au+Au collisions at √s&sub(NN)=3 GeV were performed within the updated three-fluid hydrodynamics-based event simulator extended by UrQMD (ultrarelativistic quantum molecular dynamics) final state interactions (THESEUS). The light (hyper)nuclei are treated thermodynamically, i.e., they are considered on an equal basis with hadrons. The only additional parameter is related to the late freeze-out that imitates the afterburner stage for the light (hyper)nuclei because UrQMD is not able to dynamically treat them. The calculation of hypernuclei production is the same as that of light nuclei. The hypernuclei results are compared with recent STAR data. It is found that the calculated midrapidity &sup(3)&sub(Λ)H/Λ ratio falls within the error bars of the experimental point. It is remarkable that the large difference between the t/p and &sup(3)&sub(Λ)H/Λ ratios is reproduced without any additional parameters. Rapidity distributions of &sup(3)&sub(Λ)H/Λ and &sup(4)&sub(Λ)He/Λ ratios are predicted. Midrapidity mean transverse momenta of protons, Λ's and light (hyper)nuclei in central collisions agree well with the data. The calculated directed flow also reasonably well reproduces of the data.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 343 а2 - Теория ядерных реакций при высоких энергиях (E>1 Гэв)
Бюллетени = 22/024