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Электронный каталог: Kuzmichev, M. D. - A Condition for the Reduction of Couplings in the P = 1/3 Q Supersymmetric Theories
Kuzmichev, M. D. - A Condition for the Reduction of Couplings in the P = 1/3 Q Supersymmetric Theories
Автор: Kuzmichev, M. D.
Physics Letters B [Electronic resource]: A Condition for the Reduction of Couplings in the P = 1/3 Q Supersymmetric Theories
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Автор: Kuzmichev, M. D.
Physics Letters B [Electronic resource]: A Condition for the Reduction of Couplings in the P = 1/3 Q Supersymmetric Theories
ISBN отсутствует
Kuzmichev, M.D.
A Condition for the Reduction of Couplings in the P = 1/3 Q Supersymmetric Theories / M.D.Kuzmichev, K.V.Stepanyantz // Physics Letters B [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.844. – P.138094. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138094. – Bibliogr.:49.
We demonstrate that in the supersymmetric theories the renormalization group invariance of the ratio (of the Yukawa couplings to the gauge coupling) is equivalent to a simple relation between the anomalous dimensions of the quantum gauge superfield, of the Faddeev–Popov ghosts, and of the matter superfields, which should be valid in each order of the perturbation theory. In the one- and two-loop approximations it is verified explicitly. Presumably, in higher orders this relation can be satisfied for the planar supergraphs under a certain renormalization prescription. Assuming that it is valid we rewrite the exact equation for the (corresponding contribution to the) anomalous dimension of the matter superfields in the theories under consideration in a different (but equivalent) form.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1е - Суперсимметричные теории. Супергравитация. Суперструны$
Бюллетени = 5/024
Kuzmichev, M.D.
A Condition for the Reduction of Couplings in the P = 1/3 Q Supersymmetric Theories / M.D.Kuzmichev, K.V.Stepanyantz // Physics Letters B [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.844. – P.138094. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138094. – Bibliogr.:49.
We demonstrate that in the supersymmetric theories the renormalization group invariance of the ratio (of the Yukawa couplings to the gauge coupling) is equivalent to a simple relation between the anomalous dimensions of the quantum gauge superfield, of the Faddeev–Popov ghosts, and of the matter superfields, which should be valid in each order of the perturbation theory. In the one- and two-loop approximations it is verified explicitly. Presumably, in higher orders this relation can be satisfied for the planar supergraphs under a certain renormalization prescription. Assuming that it is valid we rewrite the exact equation for the (corresponding contribution to the) anomalous dimension of the matter superfields in the theories under consideration in a different (but equivalent) form.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1е - Суперсимметричные теории. Супергравитация. Суперструны$
Бюллетени = 5/024