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Электронный каталог: Aad, G. - Measurement of the B*0&sub(s)*>*m*m Effective Lifetime with the ATLAS Detector
Aad, G. - Measurement of the B*0&sub(s)*>*m*m Effective Lifetime with the ATLAS Detector

Автор: Aad, G.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Measurement of the B*0&sub(s)*>*m*m Effective Lifetime with the ATLAS Detector
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Автор: Aad, G.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Measurement of the B*0&sub(s)*>*m*m Effective Lifetime with the ATLAS Detector
ISBN отсутствует
Aad, G.
Measurement of the B*0&sub(s)*>*m*m Effective Lifetime with the ATLAS Detector / G.Aad, F.Ahmadov, I.N.Aleksandrov, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, M.I.Gostkin, S.N.Karpov, Z.M.Karpova, U.Kruchonak, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, V.Lyubushkin, T.Lyubushkina, S.Malyukov, M.Mineev, E.Plotnikova, I.N.Potrap, N.A.Rusakovich, M.Shiyakova, A.Soloshenko, T.Turtuvshin, A.Vasyukov, I.Yeletskikh, A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimine, N.Huseynov, Y.Kulchitsky, [ATLAS Collab.] // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.2023, No.9. – P.199. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP09(2023)199. – Bibliogr.:23.
This paper reports the first ATLAS measurement of the → μμ effective lifetime. The measurement is based on the data collected in 2015–2016, amounting to 26.3 fb−1 of 13 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions. The proper decay-time distribution of 58 ± 13 background-subtracted signal candidates is fit with simulated signal templates parameterised as a function of the effective lifetime, with statistical uncertainties extracted through a Neyman construction. The resulting effective measurement of the → μμ lifetime is (stat.) ± 0.17 (syst.) ps and it is found to be consistent with the Standard Model.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2в - Взаимодействие протонов с протонами
Aad, G.
Measurement of the B*0&sub(s)*>*m*m Effective Lifetime with the ATLAS Detector / G.Aad, F.Ahmadov, I.N.Aleksandrov, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, M.I.Gostkin, S.N.Karpov, Z.M.Karpova, U.Kruchonak, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, V.Lyubushkin, T.Lyubushkina, S.Malyukov, M.Mineev, E.Plotnikova, I.N.Potrap, N.A.Rusakovich, M.Shiyakova, A.Soloshenko, T.Turtuvshin, A.Vasyukov, I.Yeletskikh, A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimine, N.Huseynov, Y.Kulchitsky, [ATLAS Collab.] // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.2023, No.9. – P.199. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP09(2023)199. – Bibliogr.:23.
This paper reports the first ATLAS measurement of the → μμ effective lifetime. The measurement is based on the data collected in 2015–2016, amounting to 26.3 fb−1 of 13 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions. The proper decay-time distribution of 58 ± 13 background-subtracted signal candidates is fit with simulated signal templates parameterised as a function of the effective lifetime, with statistical uncertainties extracted through a Neyman construction. The resulting effective measurement of the → μμ lifetime is (stat.) ± 0.17 (syst.) ps and it is found to be consistent with the Standard Model.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2в - Взаимодействие протонов с протонами