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Электронный каталог: Melikhov, D. - Three-Particle Distribution in the B Meson and Charm-Quark Loops in FCNC B Decays
Melikhov, D. - Three-Particle Distribution in the B Meson and Charm-Quark Loops in FCNC B Decays

Автор: Melikhov, D.
Physical Review D [Electronic resource]: Three-Particle Distribution in the B Meson and Charm-Quark Loops in FCNC B Decays
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Автор: Melikhov, D.
Physical Review D [Electronic resource]: Three-Particle Distribution in the B Meson and Charm-Quark Loops in FCNC B Decays
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Melikhov, D.
Three-Particle Distribution in the B Meson and Charm-Quark Loops in FCNC B Decays / D.Melikhov // Physical Review D [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.108, No.3. – P.034007. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.108.034007. – Bibliogr.:28.
We discuss a nonfactorizable (NF) contribution of a charm loop to the FCNC B-decay amplitude given through the three-particle Bethe-Salpeter amplitude (3BS) of the B-meson. This 3BS contains one heavy-quark field and two light fields (a light quark and a gluon). Our discussion is aimed at clarifying properties of the B-meson 3BS necessary to describe properly charm-loop contributions to the amplitudes of FCNC B-decays. We demonstrate that the dominant contribution of nonfactorizable charm to FCNC B-decay amplitude is given in the heavy-quark limit by a convolution of some hard kernel and the B-meson 3BS in a “double-collinear” light cone (LC) configuration: one of the light degrees of freedom ϕ(x), x2=0, lies on the (+)-direction of the LC, whereas another light degree of freedom ϕ′(x′), x'2=0 lies along the (−)-direction. We show the emergence of new constraints on the distribution amplitudes which parametrize the 3BS in this double-collinear configuration.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 323.5а - Жесткие инклюзивные процессы. Глубоко-неупругое рассеяние. Рождение массивных лептонных пар. Рождение адронов с большим поперечным импульсом
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1б - Сильные взаимодействия. Электромагнитная структура частиц. Алгебра токов. Киральные теории. Теория Редже$
Бюллетени = 51/023
Melikhov, D.
Three-Particle Distribution in the B Meson and Charm-Quark Loops in FCNC B Decays / D.Melikhov // Physical Review D [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.108, No.3. – P.034007. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.108.034007. – Bibliogr.:28.
We discuss a nonfactorizable (NF) contribution of a charm loop to the FCNC B-decay amplitude given through the three-particle Bethe-Salpeter amplitude (3BS) of the B-meson. This 3BS contains one heavy-quark field and two light fields (a light quark and a gluon). Our discussion is aimed at clarifying properties of the B-meson 3BS necessary to describe properly charm-loop contributions to the amplitudes of FCNC B-decays. We demonstrate that the dominant contribution of nonfactorizable charm to FCNC B-decay amplitude is given in the heavy-quark limit by a convolution of some hard kernel and the B-meson 3BS in a “double-collinear” light cone (LC) configuration: one of the light degrees of freedom ϕ(x), x2=0, lies on the (+)-direction of the LC, whereas another light degree of freedom ϕ′(x′), x'2=0 lies along the (−)-direction. We show the emergence of new constraints on the distribution amplitudes which parametrize the 3BS in this double-collinear configuration.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 323.5а - Жесткие инклюзивные процессы. Глубоко-неупругое рассеяние. Рождение массивных лептонных пар. Рождение адронов с большим поперечным импульсом
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 324.1б - Сильные взаимодействия. Электромагнитная структура частиц. Алгебра токов. Киральные теории. Теория Редже$
Бюллетени = 51/023