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Электронный каталог: Tumasyan, A. - Searches for Additional Higgs Bosons and for Vector Leptoquarks in *t*t Final States in Proton-Pr...
Tumasyan, A. - Searches for Additional Higgs Bosons and for Vector Leptoquarks in *t*t Final States in Proton-Pr...

Автор: Tumasyan, A.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Searches for Additional Higgs Bosons and for Vector Leptoquarks in *t*t Final States in Proton-Pr...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Tumasyan, A.
Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]: Searches for Additional Higgs Bosons and for Vector Leptoquarks in *t*t Final States in Proton-Pr...
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Tumasyan, A.
Searches for Additional Higgs Bosons and for Vector Leptoquarks in *t*t Final States in Proton-Proton Collisions at *%s=13 TeV / A.Tumasyan, S.Afanasiev, D.Budkouski, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov, V.Karjavine, V.Korenkov, A.Lanev, A.Malakhov, V.Matveev, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, M.Savina, V.Shalaev, S.Shmatov, S.Shulha, V.Smirnov, O.Teryaev, N.Voytishin, B.S.Yuldashev, A.Zarubin, I.Zhizhin, M.Finger, M.Finger Jr., Z.Tsamalaidze, N.Krasnikov, [CMS Collab.] // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.2023, No.7. – P.073. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP07(2023)073. – Bibliogr.:201.
Three searches are presented for signatures of physics beyond the standard model (SM) in ττ final states in proton-proton collisions at the LHC, using a data sample collected with the CMS detector at = 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. Upper limits at 95% confidence level (CL) are set on the products of the branching fraction for the decay into τ leptons and the cross sections for the production of a new boson ϕ, in addition to the H(125) boson, via gluon fusion (ggϕ) or in association with b quarks, ranging from (10 pb) for a mass of 60 GeV to 0.3 fb for a mass of 3.5 TeV each. The data reveal two excesses for ggϕ production with local p-values equivalent to about three standard deviations at mϕ = 0.1 and 1.2 TeV. In a search for t-channel exchange of a vector leptoquark U1, 95% CL upper limits are set on the dimensionless U1 leptoquark coupling to quarks and τ leptons ranging from 1 for a mass of 1 TeV to 6 for a mass of 5 TeV, depending on the scenario. In the interpretations of the and minimal supersymmetric SM benchmark scenarios, additional Higgs bosons with masses below 350 GeV are excluded at 95% CL.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2в - Взаимодействие протонов с протонами
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.6е2 - Промежуточные бозоны
Tumasyan, A.
Searches for Additional Higgs Bosons and for Vector Leptoquarks in *t*t Final States in Proton-Proton Collisions at *%s=13 TeV / A.Tumasyan, S.Afanasiev, D.Budkouski, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov, V.Karjavine, V.Korenkov, A.Lanev, A.Malakhov, V.Matveev, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, M.Savina, V.Shalaev, S.Shmatov, S.Shulha, V.Smirnov, O.Teryaev, N.Voytishin, B.S.Yuldashev, A.Zarubin, I.Zhizhin, M.Finger, M.Finger Jr., Z.Tsamalaidze, N.Krasnikov, [CMS Collab.] // Journal of High Energy Physics [Electronic resource]. – 2023. – Vol.2023, No.7. – P.073. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP07(2023)073. – Bibliogr.:201.
Three searches are presented for signatures of physics beyond the standard model (SM) in ττ final states in proton-proton collisions at the LHC, using a data sample collected with the CMS detector at = 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. Upper limits at 95% confidence level (CL) are set on the products of the branching fraction for the decay into τ leptons and the cross sections for the production of a new boson ϕ, in addition to the H(125) boson, via gluon fusion (ggϕ) or in association with b quarks, ranging from (10 pb) for a mass of 60 GeV to 0.3 fb for a mass of 3.5 TeV each. The data reveal two excesses for ggϕ production with local p-values equivalent to about three standard deviations at mϕ = 0.1 and 1.2 TeV. In a search for t-channel exchange of a vector leptoquark U1, 95% CL upper limits are set on the dimensionless U1 leptoquark coupling to quarks and τ leptons ranging from 1 for a mass of 1 TeV to 6 for a mass of 5 TeV, depending on the scenario. In the interpretations of the and minimal supersymmetric SM benchmark scenarios, additional Higgs bosons with masses below 350 GeV are excluded at 95% CL.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.2в - Взаимодействие протонов с протонами
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.6е2 - Промежуточные бозоны