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Электронный каталог: Dubenskiy, A. P. - The Role of Intermediate Structures in Photoexcitation of Isomer States of Nuclei at Energies Bel...
Dubenskiy, A. P. - The Role of Intermediate Structures in Photoexcitation of Isomer States of Nuclei at Energies Bel...
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Dubenskiy, A. P.
International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energies: The Role of Intermediate Structures in Photoexcitation of Isomer States of Nuclei at Energies Bel...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Dubenskiy, A. P.
International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energies: The Role of Intermediate Structures in Photoexcitation of Isomer States of Nuclei at Energies Bel...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Dubenskiy, A.P.
The Role of Intermediate Structures in Photoexcitation of Isomer States of Nuclei at Energies Below the Nucleon Threshold / A.P.Dubenskiy, V.P.Dubenskiy, E.V.Boykava, L.A.Malov, V.Yu.Ponomarev // International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energies : Contributions ..., Dubna,15-19 Sept., 1992. – Dubna : JINR, 1992. – P.36. – Bibliogr.:4. – (JINR ; E4-92-293) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1 - Радиоактивность$
Dubenskiy, A.P.
The Role of Intermediate Structures in Photoexcitation of Isomer States of Nuclei at Energies Below the Nucleon Threshold / A.P.Dubenskiy, V.P.Dubenskiy, E.V.Boykava, L.A.Malov, V.Yu.Ponomarev // International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energies : Contributions ..., Dubna,15-19 Sept., 1992. – Dubna : JINR, 1992. – P.36. – Bibliogr.:4. – (JINR ; E4-92-293) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.1 - Радиоактивность$