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Электронный каталог: Ayryan, E. A. - Synthesis of the Thickness Profile of the Waveguide Layer of the Thin Film Generalized Waveguide ...
Ayryan, E. A. - Synthesis of the Thickness Profile of the Waveguide Layer of the Thin Film Generalized Waveguide ...
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Ayryan, E. A.
MMCP 2015: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics: Synthesis of the Thickness Profile of the Waveguide Layer of the Thin Film Generalized Waveguide ...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Ayryan, E. A.
MMCP 2015: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics: Synthesis of the Thickness Profile of the Waveguide Layer of the Thin Film Generalized Waveguide ...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Ayryan, E.A.
Synthesis of the Thickness Profile of the Waveguide Layer of the Thin Film Generalized Waveguide Luneburg Lens / E.A.Ayryan, [a.o.] // MMCP 2015: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics : [Proc. of Conference, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, July 13-17, 2015] / Ed.: Gh.Adam, J.Busa, M.Hnatic. – Les Ulis Cedex : EDP Sciences, 2016. – p.02011. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201610802011. – Bibliogr.:10. – (EPJ Web of Conferences ; Vol.108) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.4б - Методы приготовления тонких пленок$
Ayryan, E.A.
Synthesis of the Thickness Profile of the Waveguide Layer of the Thin Film Generalized Waveguide Luneburg Lens / E.A.Ayryan, [a.o.] // MMCP 2015: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics : [Proc. of Conference, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, July 13-17, 2015] / Ed.: Gh.Adam, J.Busa, M.Hnatic. – Les Ulis Cedex : EDP Sciences, 2016. – p.02011. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201610802011. – Bibliogr.:10. – (EPJ Web of Conferences ; Vol.108) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.4б - Методы приготовления тонких пленок$