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Электронный каталог: Yong, G.-C. - Determination of the Density Region of the Symmetry Energy Probed by the *p*-/*p*+ Ratio
Yong, G.-C. - Determination of the Density Region of the Symmetry Energy Probed by the *p*-/*p*+ Ratio
Автор: Yong, G.-C.
Journal of Physics G: Determination of the Density Region of the Symmetry Energy Probed by the *p*-/*p*+ Ratio
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Yong, G.-C.
Journal of Physics G: Determination of the Density Region of the Symmetry Energy Probed by the *p*-/*p*+ Ratio
ISBN отсутствует
Yong, G.-C.
Determination of the Density Region of the Symmetry Energy Probed by the *p*-/*p*+ Ratio / G.-C.Yong, [et al.] // Journal of Physics G. – 2019. – Vol.46, No.10. – p.105105. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-6471/ab3772. – Bibliogr.:80.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.4 - Пи-мезоны
Yong, G.-C.
Determination of the Density Region of the Symmetry Energy Probed by the *p*-/*p*+ Ratio / G.-C.Yong, [et al.] // Journal of Physics G. – 2019. – Vol.46, No.10. – p.105105. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-6471/ab3772. – Bibliogr.:80.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.4 - Пи-мезоны