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Электронный каталог: Astier, P. - A Study of Strange Particle Production in *n&sub(*m) Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Ex...
Astier, P. - A Study of Strange Particle Production in *n&sub(*m) Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Ex...
Автор: Astier, P.
Nuclear Physics B: A Study of Strange Particle Production in *n&sub(*m) Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Ex...
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Автор: Astier, P.
Nuclear Physics B: A Study of Strange Particle Production in *n&sub(*m) Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Ex...
ISBN отсутствует
Astier, P.
A Study of Strange Particle Production in *n&sub(*m) Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Experiment. / P.Astier, S.Bunyatov, A.Chukanov, O.Klimov, A.Krasnoperov, D.Kustov, V.Kuznetsov, D.V.Naumov, Yu.Nefedov, B.A.Popov, V.Tereshchenko, V.Valuev, [a.o.] // Nuclear Physics B : Particle Physics. – 2002. – Vol.621 ,No.1/2. – p.3-34. – Bibliogr.:50.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.5а - Образование гиперонов и К-мезонов частицами и гамма-квантами
Astier, P.
A Study of Strange Particle Production in *n&sub(*m) Charged Current Interactions in the NOMAD Experiment. / P.Astier, S.Bunyatov, A.Chukanov, O.Klimov, A.Krasnoperov, D.Kustov, V.Kuznetsov, D.V.Naumov, Yu.Nefedov, B.A.Popov, V.Tereshchenko, V.Valuev, [a.o.] // Nuclear Physics B : Particle Physics. – 2002. – Vol.621 ,No.1/2. – p.3-34. – Bibliogr.:50.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 346.5а - Образование гиперонов и К-мезонов частицами и гамма-квантами