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Электронный каталог: Pascu, R. - Excimer Laser Ablation of YSZ Ceramic Target; Improved Pulsed Laser Deposition Control Parameters...
Pascu, R. - Excimer Laser Ablation of YSZ Ceramic Target; Improved Pulsed Laser Deposition Control Parameters...
Автор: Pascu, R.
Romanian Reports in Physics: Excimer Laser Ablation of YSZ Ceramic Target; Improved Pulsed Laser Deposition Control Parameters...
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Автор: Pascu, R.
Romanian Reports in Physics: Excimer Laser Ablation of YSZ Ceramic Target; Improved Pulsed Laser Deposition Control Parameters...
ISBN отсутствует
Pascu, R.
Excimer Laser Ablation of YSZ Ceramic Target; Improved Pulsed Laser Deposition Control Parameters for YSZ Thin Films Grown on Si (100) Substrates / R.Pascu, G.Epurescu // Romanian Reports in Physics. – 2018. – Vol.70, No.3. – p.508. – URL: http://www.rrp.infim.ro/IP/2018/AN70508.pdf. – Bibliogr.:11.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.4б - Методы приготовления тонких пленок$
Pascu, R.
Excimer Laser Ablation of YSZ Ceramic Target; Improved Pulsed Laser Deposition Control Parameters for YSZ Thin Films Grown on Si (100) Substrates / R.Pascu, G.Epurescu // Romanian Reports in Physics. – 2018. – Vol.70, No.3. – p.508. – URL: http://www.rrp.infim.ro/IP/2018/AN70508.pdf. – Bibliogr.:11.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.4б - Методы приготовления тонких пленок$