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Электронный каталог: Avdic, S. - Assessment of a Relative Contribution of Terrestrial Background Radiation in the Test Field by Us...
Avdic, S. - Assessment of a Relative Contribution of Terrestrial Background Radiation in the Test Field by Us...
Автор: Avdic, S.
Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Assessment of a Relative Contribution of Terrestrial Background Radiation in the Test Field by Us...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Avdic, S.
Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Assessment of a Relative Contribution of Terrestrial Background Radiation in the Test Field by Us...
ISBN отсутствует
Avdic, S.
Assessment of a Relative Contribution of Terrestrial Background Radiation in the Test Field by Using RADIAGEM&sup(TM) 2000 Portable Survey Meter / S.Avdic, [et al.] // Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection. – 2016. – Vol.31, No.2. – p.121-127. – URL: http://ntrp.vinca.rs/2016_2/Avdic_2016_2.html. – Bibliogr.:14.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 г - Радиоактивные загрязнения и активация воздуха, газов, воды и окружающих материалов. Дезактивация
Avdic, S.
Assessment of a Relative Contribution of Terrestrial Background Radiation in the Test Field by Using RADIAGEM&sup(TM) 2000 Portable Survey Meter / S.Avdic, [et al.] // Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection. – 2016. – Vol.31, No.2. – p.121-127. – URL: http://ntrp.vinca.rs/2016_2/Avdic_2016_2.html. – Bibliogr.:14.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 349 г - Радиоактивные загрязнения и активация воздуха, газов, воды и окружающих материалов. Дезактивация