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Электронный каталог: Morozov, V. A. - Implementation of the Autocorrelation Method for Determination Decay Mode of the Luminescence Cen...
Morozov, V. A. - Implementation of the Autocorrelation Method for Determination Decay Mode of the Luminescence Cen...

Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Morozov, V. A.
LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Rese...: Implementation of the Autocorrelation Method for Determination Decay Mode of the Luminescence C...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Morozov, V. A.
LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Rese...: Implementation of the Autocorrelation Method for Determination Decay Mode of the Luminescence C...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Morozov, V.A.
Implementation of the Autocorrelation Method for Determination Decay Mode of the Luminescence Centers of Scintillators / V.A.Morozov, N.V.Morozova // LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 29 -July 3, 2015 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2015" (65; 2015; Saint-Petersburg) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Saint-Petersburg : BBM, 2015. – p.296. – Bibliogr.:1.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1ж - Сцинтилляционные счетчики, камеры. Сцинтилляционные вещества. Микроканальные умножители
Morozov, V.A.
Implementation of the Autocorrelation Method for Determination Decay Mode of the Luminescence Centers of Scintillators / V.A.Morozov, N.V.Morozova // LXV International Conference "Nucleus 2015". New Horizons in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Femto- and Nanotechnologies: Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 29 -July 3, 2015 : Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Nucleus 2015" (65; 2015; Saint-Petersburg) ; Ed.: A.K.Vlasnikov. – Saint-Petersburg : BBM, 2015. – p.296. – Bibliogr.:1.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 344.1ж - Сцинтилляционные счетчики, камеры. Сцинтилляционные вещества. Микроканальные умножители