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Электронный каталог: Iacobescu, G. E. - Atomic Force Microscopy Used to Investigate the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Magnetorheolog...
Iacobescu, G. E. - Atomic Force Microscopy Used to Investigate the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Magnetorheolog...
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Iacobescu, G. E.
Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Structure (CMSMS'12). International Summer School and Workshop, Sept.3-7, 2012, Alushta, Ukraine: Atomic Force Microscopy Used to Investigate the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Magnetorheolog...
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Iacobescu, G. E.
Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Structure (CMSMS'12). International Summer School and Workshop, Sept.3-7, 2012, Alushta, Ukraine: Atomic Force Microscopy Used to Investigate the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Magnetorheolog...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Iacobescu, G.E.
Atomic Force Microscopy Used to Investigate the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Magnetorheological Silicone Rubber Based Elastomers / G.E.Iacobescu, I.Bica, M.Balasoiu // Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Structure (CMSMS'12). International Summer School and Workshop, Sept.3-7, 2012, Alushta, Ukraine : Book of Abstracts / Ed.: M.Balasoiu, A.I.Kuklin, O.I.Ivankov. – Dubna : JINR, 2012. – p.60-61. – Bibliogr.:10. – (JINR ; E14-2012-92) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 33 а - Нанофизика. Нанотехнология$
Iacobescu, G.E.
Atomic Force Microscopy Used to Investigate the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Magnetorheological Silicone Rubber Based Elastomers / G.E.Iacobescu, I.Bica, M.Balasoiu // Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Structure (CMSMS'12). International Summer School and Workshop, Sept.3-7, 2012, Alushta, Ukraine : Book of Abstracts / Ed.: M.Balasoiu, A.I.Kuklin, O.I.Ivankov. – Dubna : JINR, 2012. – p.60-61. – Bibliogr.:10. – (JINR ; E14-2012-92) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 33 а - Нанофизика. Нанотехнология$