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Электронный каталог: Rahmonov, I. R. - Mathematical Modeling of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions with Capacitive and Inductive Couplings
Rahmonov, I. R. - Mathematical Modeling of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions with Capacitive and Inductive Couplings
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Rahmonov, I. R.
Dubna-Nano 2012: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 9-14, 2012: Mathematical Modeling of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions with Capacitive and Inductive Couplings
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Rahmonov, I. R.
Dubna-Nano 2012: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 9-14, 2012: Mathematical Modeling of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions with Capacitive and Inductive Couplings
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Rahmonov, I.R.
Mathematical Modeling of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions with Capacitive and Inductive Couplings / I.R.Rahmonov, Yu.M.Shukrinov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, I.Sarhadov, O.Yu.Andreeva // Dubna-Nano 2012: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 9-14, 2012 : Book of Abstracts. – Dubna : JINR, 2012. – p.96. – Bibliogr.:4. – (JINR ; E17-2012-66) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 393 и8 - Джозефсоновские сети$
Rahmonov, I.R.
Mathematical Modeling of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions with Capacitive and Inductive Couplings / I.R.Rahmonov, Yu.M.Shukrinov, E.V.Zemlyanaya, I.Sarhadov, O.Yu.Andreeva // Dubna-Nano 2012: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Dubna, July 9-14, 2012 : Book of Abstracts. – Dubna : JINR, 2012. – p.96. – Bibliogr.:4. – (JINR ; E17-2012-66) .
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 393 и8 - Джозефсоновские сети$