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Электронный каталог: Yang, R.-H. - The Excitation Discharge Rhythm of Small-World Biological Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibition...
Yang, R.-H. - The Excitation Discharge Rhythm of Small-World Biological Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibition...
Автор: Yang, R.-H.
Modern Physics Letters B: The Excitation Discharge Rhythm of Small-World Biological Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibition...
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Автор: Yang, R.-H.
Modern Physics Letters B: The Excitation Discharge Rhythm of Small-World Biological Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibition...
ISBN отсутствует
Yang, R.-H.
The Excitation Discharge Rhythm of Small-World Biological Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibition Mechanism / R.-H.Yang, [a.o.] // Modern Physics Letters B : Condensed Matter Physics.Statistical Physics.Applied Physics. – 2012. – Vol.26, No.1. – p.1150001. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0217984911027479. – Bibliogr.:46.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 325.1а - Нейронные сети и клеточные автоматы
Yang, R.-H.
The Excitation Discharge Rhythm of Small-World Biological Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibition Mechanism / R.-H.Yang, [a.o.] // Modern Physics Letters B : Condensed Matter Physics.Statistical Physics.Applied Physics. – 2012. – Vol.26, No.1. – p.1150001. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0217984911027479. – Bibliogr.:46.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 325.1а - Нейронные сети и клеточные автоматы