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Электронный каталог: Jolos, R. V. - On the Angular Momentum Dependence of the Parity Splitting in Nuclei with Octupole Correlations
Jolos, R. V. - On the Angular Momentum Dependence of the Parity Splitting in Nuclei with Octupole Correlations
Книга (аналит. описание)
Автор: Jolos, R. V.
Perspectives from the Interacting Boson Model: On the Angular Momentum Dependence of the Parity Splitting in Nuclei with Octupole Correlations
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Jolos, R. V.
Perspectives from the Interacting Boson Model: On the Angular Momentum Dependence of the Parity Splitting in Nuclei with Octupole Correlations
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Jolos, R.V.
On the Angular Momentum Dependence of the Parity Splitting in Nuclei with Octupole Correlations / R.V.Jolos, P.von Brentano // Perspectives from the Interacting Boson Model : On the Occasion of Its 20th Anniversary: [Proc. of the International Conf.], Padova, Italy, June 13-17, 1994 / Ed.: R.F.Casten, A.Vitturi, A.B.Balantekin, [et al.]. – Singapore [etc.] : World Scientific, 1994. – p.722. – Bibliogr.:2.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.2в - Уровни ядер
Jolos, R.V.
On the Angular Momentum Dependence of the Parity Splitting in Nuclei with Octupole Correlations / R.V.Jolos, P.von Brentano // Perspectives from the Interacting Boson Model : On the Occasion of Its 20th Anniversary: [Proc. of the International Conf.], Padova, Italy, June 13-17, 1994 / Ed.: R.F.Casten, A.Vitturi, A.B.Balantekin, [et al.]. – Singapore [etc.] : World Scientific, 1994. – p.722. – Bibliogr.:2.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 341.2в - Уровни ядер