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Электронный каталог: Budnik, A. P. - Simulation of Kinetic Processes in the Nuclear-Excited Helium Non-Ideal Dusty Plasma
Budnik, A. P. - Simulation of Kinetic Processes in the Nuclear-Excited Helium Non-Ideal Dusty Plasma
Автор: Budnik, A. P.
CPP: Contributions to Plasma Physics: Simulation of Kinetic Processes in the Nuclear-Excited Helium Non-Ideal Dusty Plasma
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Budnik, A. P.
CPP: Contributions to Plasma Physics: Simulation of Kinetic Processes in the Nuclear-Excited Helium Non-Ideal Dusty Plasma
ISBN отсутствует
Budnik, A.P.
Simulation of Kinetic Processes in the Nuclear-Excited Helium Non-Ideal Dusty Plasma / A.P.Budnik, [a.o.] // CPP: Contributions to Plasma Physics. – 2009. – Vol.49, No.10, Pt.1. – p.765-768. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200910090. – Bibliogr.:8.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 350 - Приложения методов ядерной физики в смежных областях
Budnik, A.P.
Simulation of Kinetic Processes in the Nuclear-Excited Helium Non-Ideal Dusty Plasma / A.P.Budnik, [a.o.] // CPP: Contributions to Plasma Physics. – 2009. – Vol.49, No.10, Pt.1. – p.765-768. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200910090. – Bibliogr.:8.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 350 - Приложения методов ядерной физики в смежных областях