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Электронный каталог: Laveissiere, G. - Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the D...
Laveissiere, G. - Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the D...

Автор: Laveissiere, G.
Physical Review C: Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the D...
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Автор: Laveissiere, G.
Physical Review C: Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the D...
ISBN отсутствует
Laveissiere, G.
Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the Deep Inelastic Region at Backward Angles / G.Laveissiere, [et al.] // Physical Review C : Nuclear Physics. – 2009. – Vol.79, No.1. – p.015201. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.79.015201. – Bibliogr.:55.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.5 - Взаимодействие электронов и позитронов с нуклонами, гамма-квантов с нуклонами и пионами
Laveissiere, G.
Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the Deep Inelastic Region at Backward Angles / G.Laveissiere, [et al.] // Physical Review C : Nuclear Physics. – 2009. – Vol.79, No.1. – p.015201. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.79.015201. – Bibliogr.:55.
Спец.(статьи,препринты) = С 332.5 - Взаимодействие электронов и позитронов с нуклонами, гамма-квантов с нуклонами и пионами