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Bunyatov, S. A.
Сортировать по: заглавиюСвязанные описания:
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Belkov, A. A.
Partial-Wave Analysis of the K*-p *> *D *p*+ *p*- Reaction Near the *D (1520) Resonance
ISBN отсутствует
Belkov, A. A.
Partial-Wave Analysis of the K*-p *> *D *p*+ *p*- Reaction Near the *D (1520) Resonance
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1979 г.ISBN отсутствует
Abgrall, N.
Pion Emission from the T2K Replica Target: Method, Results and Application
ISBN отсутствует
Abgrall, N.
Pion Emission from the T2K Replica Target: Method, Results and Application
ISBN отсутствует
Aduszkiewicz, A.
Production of *L-Hyperons in Inelastic p+p Interactions at 158 GeV/c
ISBN отсутствует
Aduszkiewicz, A.
Production of *L-Hyperons in Inelastic p+p Interactions at 158 GeV/c
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Batusov, Yu. A.
Production of Hyperfragments by Antiprotons at Rest Annihilating on Nuclei in Nuclear Photoemulsion
ISBN отсутствует
Batusov, Yu. A.
Production of Hyperfragments by Antiprotons at Rest Annihilating on Nuclei in Nuclear Photoemulsion
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1992 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Batusov, Yu. A.
Production of Lambda-Hyperons and K0(S)-Mesons in Annihilation of Antiprotons in He-4 Nuclei at 6...
ISBN отсутствует
Batusov, Yu. A.
Production of Lambda-Hyperons and K0(S)-Mesons in Annihilation of Antiprotons in He-4 Nuclei at 6...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1989 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Batusov, Yu. A.
Production of Neutral Strange Particles in Antiproton - *3He Annihilation at Rest
ISBN отсутствует
Batusov, Yu. A.
Production of Neutral Strange Particles in Antiproton - *3He Annihilation at Rest
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1990 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Batusov, Yu. A.
Search for Superfragments in Proton-Nuclear Interactions at 70 and 250 GeV.
ISBN отсутствует
Batusov, Yu. A.
Search for Superfragments in Proton-Nuclear Interactions at 70 and 250 GeV.
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1976 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Bunyatov, S. A.
Space Reconstruction of a Charmed *D*+&sub(C) Baryon Production and Decay Vertices in Nuclear Em...
ISBN отсутствует
Bunyatov, S. A.
Space Reconstruction of a Charmed *D*+&sub(C) Baryon Production and Decay Vertices in Nuclear Em...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1982 г.ISBN отсутствует
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Bunyatov, S. A.
The Analysis of the Total Cross Sections of the *pN *> *p*pN Reactions Near Threshold.
ISBN отсутствует
Bunyatov, S. A.
The Analysis of the Total Cross Sections of the *pN *> *p*pN Reactions Near Threshold.
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1976 г.ISBN отсутствует