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3 из 3
Marinova, S.
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3 из 3
Marinova, S.
Air Pollution Studies in Bulgaria Using the Moss Biomonitoring Technique, NAA and AAS
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ, ЗИЛ, ЛВЭ
Marinova, S.
Air Pollution Studies in Bulgaria Using the Moss Biomonitoring Technique, NAA and AAS
Серия: JINR
JINR, 2009 г.ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ, ЗИЛ, ЛВЭ
Книга (аналит. описание)
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants in Southern Bulgaria Based on Neutron Activati...
ISBN отсутствует
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants in Southern Bulgaria Based on Neutron Activati...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Hristozova, G.
Assessment of Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants in Southern Bulgaria Based on Neutron Activati...
ISBN отсутствует
Hristozova, G.
Assessment of Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants in Southern Bulgaria Based on Neutron Activati...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Pb and Cu in the Area Affected by Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Smelter
ISBN отсутствует
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Pb and Cu in the Area Affected by Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Smelter
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Pb and Cu in the Area Affected by Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Smelter
ISBN отсутствует
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Pb and Cu in the Area Affected by Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Smelter
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Zinc in the Area of Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Plant
ISBN отсутствует
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Zinc in the Area of Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Plant
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Zinc in the Area of Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Plant
ISBN отсутствует
Marinova, S.
Assessment of Soil Contamination with Zinc in the Area of Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Plant
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Studies Based on a 20-year Period of Moss Biomonitoring in the Vicinity of...
ISBN отсутствует
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Studies Based on a 20-year Period of Moss Biomonitoring in the Vicinity of...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in Southern Bulgaria Based on Moss Biomonitors, Neutron Activation ...
ISBN отсутствует
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in Southern Bulgaria Based on Moss Biomonitors, Neutron Activation ...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in Southern Bulgaria Based on Moss Biomonitors, Neutron Activation A...
ISBN отсутствует
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in Southern Bulgaria Based on Moss Biomonitors, Neutron Activation A...
ISBN отсутствует
3 из 3
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in the Area of Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Plant Based on Moss Analysis
ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ, ЗИЛ, ЛВЭ
Hristozova, G.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in the Area of Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Plant Based on Moss Analysis
Серия: JINR
JINR, 2015 г.ISBN отсутствует
Библиотека : ЦБ, ЗИЛ, ЛВЭ
Книга (аналит. описание)
Hristozova, G.
Cadmium Content in Soils and Oriental Tobacco Leaves: a Study in Tobacco-Growing Regions of South...
ISBN отсутствует
Hristozova, G.
Cadmium Content in Soils and Oriental Tobacco Leaves: a Study in Tobacco-Growing Regions of South...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Frontasyeva, M. V.
Marine Gradients of Halogens and Selenium in Moss and Soil Studied by ENAA
ISBN отсутствует
Frontasyeva, M. V.
Marine Gradients of Halogens and Selenium in Moss and Soil Studied by ENAA
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Hristov, H. G.
Radioecological Research in the Construction of "BELENE" NPP
ISBN отсутствует
Hristov, H. G.
Radioecological Research in the Construction of "BELENE" NPP
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Gustova, M. V.
The Study of the Trace Element Distributions in Bulgarian Tobacco Plants by X-Ray and Nuclear Ana...
ISBN отсутствует
Gustova, M. V.
The Study of the Trace Element Distributions in Bulgarian Tobacco Plants by X-Ray and Nuclear Ana...
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Gustova, M. V.
The Study of the Trace Elements Distribution in Bulgarian Tobacco Plants by X-Ray and Nuclear Ana...
ISBN отсутствует
Gustova, M. V.
The Study of the Trace Elements Distribution in Bulgarian Tobacco Plants by X-Ray and Nuclear Ana...
ISBN отсутствует