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Slowinski, B.
Сортировать по: заглавиюСвязанные описания:
Hanna, K. M.
Excitation of Nuclear Collective States by Heavy Ions within the Model of Semimicroscopic Optical...
ISBN отсутствует
Hanna, K. M.
Excitation of Nuclear Collective States by Heavy Ions within the Model of Semimicroscopic Optical...
ISBN отсутствует
Polanski, A.
Evolution of Intranuclear Collisions at Intermediate Energies
ISBN отсутствует
Polanski, A.
Evolution of Intranuclear Collisions at Intermediate Energies
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Polanski, A.
Generation of Neutrons in Heavy Extended Targets by Electrons of Energy From 30 MeV to 1000 MeV
ISBN отсутствует
Polanski, A.
Generation of Neutrons in Heavy Extended Targets by Electrons of Energy From 30 MeV to 1000 MeV
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Lukyanov, V. K.
On the Role of Nuclear Surface in Heavy Ion Reaction Cross Section Formation
ISBN отсутствует
Lukyanov, V. K.
On the Role of Nuclear Surface in Heavy Ion Reaction Cross Section Formation
Серия: JINR
JINR, 2000 г.ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Polanski, A.
Neutrons Production in Heavy Extended Targets by Electrons and Protons of Energy from 15 to 1000 MeV
ISBN отсутствует
Polanski, A.
Neutrons Production in Heavy Extended Targets by Electrons and Protons of Energy from 15 to 1000 MeV
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Slowinski, B.
Emission of *p and *h*0 Mesons in *n*+ + Xe Interactions at 2.34 GeV/c and the Problem of the Exi...
ISBN отсутствует
Slowinski, B.
Emission of *p and *h*0 Mesons in *n*+ + Xe Interactions at 2.34 GeV/c and the Problem of the Exi...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1975 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Okhrimenko, L. S.
Investigation of Ionization Losses of Shower Electrons in Electron-Photon showers Developed in Li...
ISBN отсутствует
Okhrimenko, L. S.
Investigation of Ionization Losses of Shower Electrons in Electron-Photon showers Developed in Li...
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1975 г.ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Slowinski, B.
Kinematical Relations for Two-Body Reactions with Moving Target Particle*
1976 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Slowinski, B.
Kinematical Relations for Two-Body Reactions with Moving Target Particle*
1976 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Slowinski, B.
Quasi-Two-Body Pion-Nucleus Collisions at the GeV Energy Region as an Intranuclear Space Probe
ISBN отсутствует
Slowinski, B.
Quasi-Two-Body Pion-Nucleus Collisions at the GeV Energy Region as an Intranuclear Space Probe
ISBN отсутствует
Нет экз.
Wisniewski, R.
Deep Ion Implantation into Manganin to Modify Its Pressure and Electrothermocharacteristics
ISBN отсутствует
Wisniewski, R.
Deep Ion Implantation into Manganin to Modify Its Pressure and Electrothermocharacteristics
Серия: JINR
JINR, 1992 г.ISBN отсутствует